The Daily Meditation 01.11.2013 The Loving Source I Call God By Rev Jennie Goff, Minister There is only one life, one power, one presence; it is the loving source I call God. It is the powerful wind in the storms, the beautiful intricacy of each snow flake and the warmth of laughter shared with family and loved ones. Spirit is everywhere present; right here where I am and right where you are. It is infinite good, limitless possibility and eternally creative. Knowing that I am one with my source I know that all of Its qualities are mine as well. Because God is love, I am love. Every action and every word flows from the generosity of my heart. Because God is joy, I am joy. My interactions are joyous and as each day comes to an end I am filled with contentment for all that has unfolded. Because God is peace, I am peaceful. I am surrounded and permeated by serenity and it flows through my daily activities. Standing on the brink of new beginnings I am filled with wonder as I contemplate the possibilities that are before me. I delight in the variety of choices and know that I am led to that which is best for my perfect expansion. I know that all that is needed for the completion of my goals is readily available. I say, “Yes!” to life and life says, “Yes!” to me. My good is mine now. For the awareness of this truth I am grateful. My heart is filled to overflowing with joy for knowing I am one with Infinite Spirit. I am grateful that Spirit always knows how to accomplish my good. I simply entrust these words and my life to the alchemy of love and law. I let it be and so it is. Amen.