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Diane Bjorling

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Internet Marketing is NOT a passion!
1/9/2013 5:03:09 AM
I hope that this title grabbed your attention, because the reality is that passion can be very tiring and the reality is that passion is something that ebbs and flows.

When you enter into marketing or internet marketing it is a

marketing is a work in progress|Adlandpro

I read an article today that had me jumping up and down going YA...THIS IS THE WAY IT REALLY IS...sorry for shouting but I really was very impressed with the way it was worded

The title is so appropriate

“Follow Your Passion” is bad advice. Do this instead…

Without giving the whole article away ( I really want you to read it :-) ) here is a much better approach to working online
“Follow Your Passion” is bad advice. Do this instead…|Curated onto AdlandPro
Does this mean that you should forget about marketing or internet marketing...heck no, but I would suggest that instead of falling for the hype of programs, realize that you will need to learn skills, you will need to be organized and you will also have to WORK!

What are your thoughts... don't be afraid to speak how you feel ( um

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Internet Marketing is NOT a passion!
1/13/2013 9:13:49 PM

Good advice and it should be noted.

I have mentioned elsewhere in a forum that I have had good experience with MLM but my personal experience with Internet marketing has been very different. Why?

Because I have a memory which does not lend itself to systems.

You have to be prepared to follow a system that works and duplicate it and be prepared to FOLLOW UP EVERY LEAD, if not manually, which is labour intensive, but at least by using automated systems that neither spam or make things totally impersonal. I was never good at finding and using good autoresponders etc.

We are not all the same. I consider myself to be educated and reasonably intelligent but give me a broken-down vehicle and I'm useless, yet, I have met the most uneducated and dull people who can mend anything. I'm not good at using systems. Give me people that I can get to know, let me make friends and I will sell a GOOD product to them but if I have to use a system then, NO.

Online Internet marketing is here to stay but it's not for everyone.

I'm not young anymore but I've spent many years developing an online system that uses the practical skills of some with the brains of others to WORK TOGETHER as a team to benefit all. I'm not there yet but it's looking possible.

So, if you are good at, or getting better at your online skills and experiences then you can make good money but check out those that you get onboard with. I know a person here at Adland who has done well with a business and I would love to sign up with them BUT, I have a problem dealing with a business that involves gambling so don't get involved, byt there's no doubt that it works for them.

Keep watching this Forum, it could be very valuable to you. Not enough is discussed about this subject.


Diane Bjorling

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RE: Internet Marketing is NOT a passion!
1/13/2013 10:11:40 PM

We are not all the same. I consider myself to be educated and reasonably intelligent but give me a broken-down vehicle and I'm useless, yet, I have met the most uneducated and dull people who can mend anything. I'm not good at using systems. Give me people that I can get to know, let me make friends and I will sell a GOOD product to them but if I have to use a system then, NO.

Online Internet marketing is here to stay but it's not for everyone.

I'm not young anymore but I've spent many years developing an online system that uses the practical skills of some with the brains of others to WORK TOGETHER as a team to benefit all. I'm not there yet but it's looking possible.


Hi Roger, you have brought out so many points that it was hard to choose any one point to talk

I am the worlds worst internet marketer, which is why I don't do it and like you when it comes to some skills or abilities, my brain is not wired to do things...that being said, my skills are ones that I am honing and working on every single day to get better at what I do.

"Internet marketing" is another one of those terms that I would love to flush down the toilet as it has gotten such a bad name that I find it hard to even relate to it and I know that when people read that they will either groan or be up in arms and I'm sorry about that, but that is how I feel. Marketing on the other hand is a time honored job with layers of meaning and has provided people a great way to supplement their income or become their chosen way to create a financial stability for themselves and family ( am I playing with semantics...hard to say lol)

I feel that if you are going to work online and market a product or service, then learning skills to help you be more successful is very important - but are those skills?
By being honest and sitting down and writing out your strengths and weaknesses is a good start to building what you are going to have to hone or to work on. As you stated, finding people to become your team, who can harmonize what you are doing and who can mentor or teach you skills is a requirement to help build up your "business"

I do not feel that people should be so fast to just jump in and get into this form of work without doing a lot of research and learning what needs to be me writing an ad and tossing it out there, is not the way to build success and I guess that is the point to this post... don't fall for the hype of a person saying..its easy, you don't have to work, it does it all by itself ( just a few of the wonderful hypes I read all the time) is misleading and can hurt people and that is something I would love to change!

A system to me is nothing more than a well packaged support , with tools and ways of doing things that will give you a chance at being able to market what you are doing with the outcome of making your sales. There is no point in going into a system you do not understand and never is a waste of time and money...why would anyone do that?

Find things that will work for you and if you do have a desire to learn something new, then find a good teacher and get good training...

Funny thing Roger, we all have skills and we all have the ability to do is just one of them...isn't that the truth?


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