The Daily Meditation 01.06.2013
God Is My Source
By Nancy Bowers, RScP
As this New Year unfolds, brimming with possibility, with the energy that a new beginning brings, I know that God is all there is. It is the truth of all I see, all I experience. It is the One Source, the Creator of All that Is; It is Infinite Possibility. And as I once again remember this, I know that the Truth of Life is Unity. The Truth of Life is being connected. Though I sometimes am seduced by the world into believing in separation, it is only my own thoughts that create this barrier. When I allow myself to step into the quiet, when I fall back into the silence, I know better. In mediation, I find my Source. I connect with the sweetness of Being. I am wrapped in certainty, as I go to the one place where my worth is never in question. In God’s arms, I surrender to the Goodness. I find the Beauty; I know what I must do. I am not lost, for God is my Source.
God is My Source and that Source contains the answer to all that I foolishly think can separate me. But I cannot be separate from God, because the Truth is that this One Source is the Creator of All. I am part of it, for I cannot be separate from it. Though the bustle of the world sometimes makes me think otherwise, there is nothing I can do to separate myself from my Creator. It breathes my breath. It beats my heart and It is the Truth of my being. I am a beloved child of God. I am loved beyond belief. I am the receiver of infinite bounty. Each day I awaken. Each day I go into meditation and find my connection. I remember who I am – I am a blessed child of God, a child who is lavished by Love, a child who is given everything.
And so knowing this, I step into the quiet and listen. I know that all that I seek is already there. God withholds nothing. I have only to listen in that silence and I will know what I should do. I will teach only Love, for that is who I am. I will be only Peace, for that is what I am. I will revel in gratitude for being a teacher of God, I know that my only purpose in any moment is to be the Love, to echo the truth of my being – this child of God here to help my fellow travelers remember that there is nothing to fear. Love is the answer always. If I see anything that does not look like love, I remember, it is a call for Love, a call for me to return to my source, the truth of my being.
So, I run back into the arms of God, where Love is All there is and I know that anything that does not feel like Love, I made up. And because I made it up, I can correct it. In God’s arms, I know who I am. In God’s arms, I remember and for this I am so very grateful.
And so, I declare that today, I am the Love of God. I am the Peace of God. I am the Bringer of the Light. Today, I remember who I am – a blessed child of God, here to travel with my brothers and sisters and see their truth – that they too are loved beyond belief. We are all God’s children. We are all so very, very cherished. And I thankful to remember this. I am thankful to know this Goodness I call God, the Prince of Peace.
And so I release this prayer into the universe, into the Law of Mind, where all is known. I give it to God, who hears me always, I am that it is already done for there is no order of difficulty for God and it is His good pleasure to give me the kingdom and for that I am so, so grateful.
And So It Is!