Hi Everyone,
By now I know everyone is aware of Identity Theft and what it means to your future and your good name.
Here's something New and very important!
Last week we recieved (as many of you may have) a CD in the mail from H&R Block.
Wow, Great New tax software!! Not sure if we were going to use this or not, we put it aside. I am still looking for this CD!
It has come to my attention that at the top of this particular tax CD, over your name, are a series of numbers. The numbers, May be your SS#!!
Although, it has been reported only a small percentage of individuals has been affected.....Small Percentage!! What's that mean? How many did they mail out? 20 - 30 thousand maybe! A small percentage is too many.
If you recieve or have recieved this CD, Please check it out carefully. If you see your numbers, Dispose of it properly. Don't take it to chance that someone could get hold of your SS# by going thru your trash.
Have a Great Week and Stay safe :)