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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Please welcome our newest member Moises Fermin.
12/12/2012 1:04:48 AM
Join CVI

Please welcome our newest member of the Click Voyager Team in AdLandPro,
Moises Fermin.

Moises to be your friend. Share with Moises your strategies for success and suggestions of how to best use Adlandpro socially and to promote your business adventures.

Click Here is the site
Moises as in rotation in CV
Username Name Join Date Referrals Credits Earned (Today) Your Earnings (Today)

mfermin209Moises FerminDec 08, 2012022408.00 (0.00)4481.6 (0)
Note that Moises has already earned 22,408 credits. I just Gave him an additional 10 K in credits for joining Adlandpro. If you are not already a member of Click Voyager Click Here to see all the reasons to do so and join under Moises.

NOTE: Usernames in blue indicate silver members. See how you too can earn the Sunday Silver Service Award, a free 7 day upgrade to silver.

10000 Credits Transferred Successfully!
A Message Has Been Sent To Notify mfermin20

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Please welcome our newest member Moises Fermin.
12/12/2012 5:27:57 AM

Just sent this message to 2001 of our randomly selected friends in HotSpotMailer

Hi HSM Friends,

Read this in the forum you go to for credits where the graphics and links are live and clickable.

Please welcome our newest member of the Click Voyager Team in AdLandPro, Moises Fermin.

Invite Moises to be your friend. Share with Moises your strategies for success and suggestions of how to best use Adlandpro socially and to promote your business adventures.

Click Here is the site Moises as in rotation in CV

Now you too can receive 10 K in credits. If you are not a member of Click Voyager, join under Moises and I will transfer 10,000 CV Credits to your account. The links to join are in the forum you go to for credits.

If you are not a member of Adlandpro, join under Moises and I will transfer an additional 10 K in CV credits to your account.

Go to this URL to join Adlandpro:

Post a message in the Welcome forum and we will make sure you get the credits for joining. We will also set up a welcome thread for you and promote it not only in Adlandpro but in other top rated communities on the Web.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Please welcome our newest member Moises Fermin.
12/15/2012 1:16:56 AM
Look who holds the # 1 spot in the Top Clickers List!:
Moises Fermin. He finished the day in that spot!

Top Clickers For Fri 14 Dec 2012
Number Of Clicks
Credits Earned

Moises is on my Third Level sponsored by???....somebody please tell me! Look in your downline. Click on Referral Stats. If he is in your first level you sponsored him! Keep on with your promotions! You have a good one here. Not only did Moises finish the day in the lead of the Top 200 Clickers, he won the Daily Sponsor Site. If you log in and click on Surf For Credits his site will be the first on that comes up.

You can promote as many sites as you want in Click Voyager but there can be an advantage to focusing on just one. That seems to be what Moises is doing.

I should add that he won the Sunday Silver Service Award which is a free 7 day pro upgrade to Silver. You can win that every Sunday with 250 clicks of your mouse.

If you want to be successful do what successful people do. Click on any text link in this message and you will be able to learn more about what Moises is doing and join on his team.

Click here to see his free rotator. Yes, you can join there too and get your own free rotator. Promote all of your programs in one place.

Your Third Level Referrals
Username Name Join Date Referrals Credits Earned (Today) Your Earnings (Today)

mfermin209Moises FerminDec 08, 2012038358.00 (0.00)7671.6 (0)

In just one week Moises has earned almost 40 thousand credits. From his efforts on my third level I have earned almost 8,000 credits. I will tell you that it is a pleasure to work with Moises. He is a good learner and I have discovered he is a good teacher as well. He has pointed out things to me that I was not aware of.

You would do well to invite Moises to be your friend and share strategies for success with him.

Feel free to congratulate him for his high achievements in this thread.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Please welcome our newest member Moises Fermin.
12/21/2012 10:25:57 PM

Join CV

Check out the success of our newest member of the Click Voyager Team in AdLandPro,
Moises Fermin. Moises's profileHe is in the # 1 position on the Click Voyager Top Clickers Leaderboard.

It is important to pick a sponsor that you know and can communicate with. There are a lot of Adlanders that could sponsor you but I recommend that you pick one that is active in both Adlandpro and Click Voyager.

Click Here to see Moises's CV Splash Page. It will give you all the things that CV will do to drive massive traffic to your sites. You can join his team from that page. Someone just did.

Invite Moises to be your friend. Share with Moises your strategies for success and suggestions of how to best use Adlandpro socially and to promote your business adventures.

Click Here is the site
Moises as in rotation in CV
Username Name Join Date Referrals Credits Earned (Today) Your Earnings (Today)

mfermin209Moises FerminDec 08, 2012183608.00 (20120.00)16721.6 (4024)
Friday, December 21, 2012 1:57:34 PM

NOTE: Usernames in red indicate gold members. I believe Moises took advantage of the Christmas Special!

Note that Moises has already earned
83608.00 credits. I just Gave him an additional 10 K in credits for joining Adlandpro. If you are not already a member of Click Voyager Click Here to see all the reasons to do so and join under Moises.

Free members can earn the Sunday Silver Service Award, a free 7 day upgrade to silver.

10000 Credits Transferred Successfully!
A Message Has Been Sent To Notify mfermin20

Make it a great day!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team