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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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What are the chances of this!
12/8/2012 9:13:42 PM
Hi Click Voyager Team!

What are the chances of this? I have been a member of Click Voyager since May 09, 2010 and this is a first.

Your Current Letters

Congratulations! You won 1000credits!

The credits have been added to your account and you can now start hunting for more letters!

The CV Letter Hunt is just one of the many fun and rewarding aspects of this most generous traffic generating program. This is like winning the lottery! LOL Well, maybe not quite the same but the odds have to be about the same.

Click Here to find a sponsor and join Click Voyager

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Elaine Groff Wolff

314 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: What are the chances of this!
12/14/2012 4:29:02 PM
Look at this!
============================================================== The CV Letter Hunt

While surfing on either the regular Surf For Credits or the Click Voyage, you will occasionally find bonus letters. Whenever you find one, a small notice will appear in the surf bar. Once you collect all the letters to spell out Click Voyager, you can come to this page and claim your prize! You can win anywhere between 100 and 1000 credits so keep surfing and keep watching for those letters!

Your Current Letters

Congratulations! You won 999credits!

The credits have been added to your account and you can now start hunting for more letters!

Elaine Groff Wolff
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: What are the chances of this!
12/21/2012 7:43:25 PM
Just Tweeted:Ken's Twitter Profile

I love it! Congratulations! You won 843credits! If you want to be successful, do what successful people do.

Join the Click Voyager Team in Adlandpro!

It is important to pick a sponsor that you know and can communicate with. There are a lot of Adlanders that could sponsor you but I recommend that you pick one that is active. Right now the most active member of the Click Voyager team in Adland is Moises Fermin. Moises's profileHe is in the # 1 position on the Click Voyager Top Clickers Leaderboard.

Click Here to see Moises's CV Splash Page. It will give you all the things that CV will do to drive massive traffic to your sites. You can join his team from that page.

Make it a great day!


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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