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Ken Wolff

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How to Improve Adlandpro's Reputation on the Web!
12/5/2012 12:13:33 AM
Hello Friends in Adlandpro,

I have been a member of Adlandpro since August of 2007. The longer I have been a member the more I have come to like this place. It has not always been a pleasant experience. I have been read the riot act a time or two and as tough as that was to take I deserved it. I have never been one to wait until I knew what I was doing before I charged ahead and did things. By doing that I have made some mistakes. The alternative would be to wait until I did know what I was doing before I started. The problem with that approach is that I would most likely never get started.

It has come to my attention that Adlandpro is getting a bad rap on the internet by some very trusted organizations. One of those is WOT Web_Of_Trust.

Our good friend Dave Cottrell brought this to my attention. I decided to take some action and I recommend that you do so as well. We can improve our reputation on the web if we all log in and give Adlandpro a high rating that it deserves.

Let me share with you a conversation that Dave and I had publicly on his Facebook page:

Dave and Ken on Facebook!

Join Dave an I on WOT and give Adlandpro a favorable rating!
Click Here to Join!
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: How to Improve Adlandpro's Reputation on the Web!
12/5/2012 4:59:28 AM
Hi Ken,

Thank you very much for you kind wards, it is greatly appreciated.
I believe all you need is join the site and access this page and give your rating by adjusting sliders on it and save it.

I believe giving thumb up or down to the comments made by other has also impact on rating.

You can also give your review here.

Ken Wolff

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RE: How to Improve Adlandpro's Reputation on the Web!
12/5/2012 9:16:03 AM
Hi Bogdan!

I did get registered and gave Adlandpro the highest rating. I read through all of the comments and gave thumbs up to all the positive comments and thumbed down those that I did not agree with.

I posted this comment:

My comment in WOT

I checked out the other link you provided and will make a comment there as well. I do hope that other Adlanders will go there and give this community the support that is deserves.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Dave Cottrell

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RE: How to Improve Adlandpro's Reputation on the Web!
12/6/2012 6:51:07 PM
Hi Ken,

It's a great pleasure to see members take the initiative and get involved like you and others are doing.

The more people who go to WOT to rate their experience here AND add a comment at the bottom, the better it is for everybody.

No matter where we do in this world, there will be naysayers! Champions and those successful in business don't get bogged down with this kind of stuff, but take steps as we are doing here, and then move ahead.

God job, Ken!

God bless,

Ken Wolff

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RE: How to Improve Adlandpro's Reputation on the Web!
12/7/2012 11:23:44 PM
Thanks Dave,

I know that Bogdan has put quite a bit of effort into changing the rating at WOT. I too appreciate what several of our members have done to make a difference. So far I have not seen a change in the ratings. It is still red. :~( I think it is going to take a lot more of our members taking just a few minutes to join in the effort. I know you have created an excellent thread in Here's What YOU can do for Adlandpro and Yourself!

Hi Ken,

It's a great pleasure to see members take the initiative and get involved like you and others are doing.

The more people who go to WOT to rate their experience here AND add a comment at the bottom, the better it is for everybody.

No matter where we do in this world, there will be naysayers! Champions and those successful in business don't get bogged down with this kind of stuff, but take steps as we are doing here, and then move ahead.

God job, Ken!

God bless,

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Now what is wrong with this tweet? See that little red "O" It is a warning from WOT that is not safe to go to. Nothing could be further from the truth. Currently anytime a URL includes Adlandpro in it it will trigger the red "O"

We can use your help in fixing this. It is unfortunate that a few disgruntled people can cause so much damage. If we get enough Adlanders to join WOT and give this community a top rating and positive testimonial in the comments, we may improve our status on the Web. We can Change that to yellow "O" or even green "O"

Click Here to read this thread from the top to the bottom to see what you can do to make a difference.

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Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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