
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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12/1/2012 4:48:07 PM
Happy 5th Anniversary to EZ Wealth Solution!

I joined this fantastic business in June 2010, so I've been with it for half it's existence.

EZWS has helped me generate more leads & income than all the businesses I've ever tried before, in my entire 15 years online...combined!

Ron Walsh is the most pro-active and involved business owner out there, anywhere!

What's it all about?

Unlimited lifetime master resale rights of hundreds of digital & software products.

Not MLM, not a HYIP, not a penny auction.

Paying the $5 (that's 50% off when you join in December, usually $10) to join provides you with your own storefronts with videos that help close your sales, full support, tracking system, internal mailer, tons of advertising tools including several sites, lots of banners, lots of pre-written ads for online & offline, plus pre-written followups, phone scripts, templates for business cards & offline sales materials, plus tons of advice on how & where to promote online AND offline.

The only way anyone could fail to earn with this, is to just sit there and not promote.

I've promoted EZ Wealth Solution DAILY every day since I joined 2 & a half years ago.

I've followed up with my thousands of tour-takers DAILY every day since I joined.

It's easy to earn commissions consistently just by using the info in the backoffice of EZWS every day.

Are you ready to dramatically improve your life with this daily paying business?

Join me and I'll also provide you with dozens more ads I wrote, and extra banners I created.

I love this business so much, I put my time & effort into consistently creating unique ads because being consistently unique is the driving force behind noticeable success in a daily billion-ad, billion-prospect marketplace.

If you haven't yet found a business that maintains your daily interest for YEARS, take a serious look at EZ Wealth Solution:

Watch the compensation videos two or three times, take notes, and fill in the questionnaire at the end and let me know you saw this information here in my Adlandpro Community forum.

Thank you & have a great day!

Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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12/4/2012 2:23:55 PM

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of EZWS, Ron Walsh has
decided to offer all Tour Takers a 50% Discount on their
first months Resellers Fees if you join by December 31.

This means that YOU can become an EZ Wealth
Reseller for just 5 bucks and you will get instant access to
100 Digital and Software Products!

PLUS Ron is also going to give you The Big 100 Admin
Bonus Package! That’s the Package with the Search
Engine Submitter for Google!

So that’s a total of 200 Digital and Software Products
For just 5 bucks, and you get 100% Master Resale
Rights, too!

You also get to make this offer to all your referrals until
the end of December!

If you missed the first 5 years of EZ Wealth, don’t miss
the next 5 for the sake of 5 BUCKS!

This is the ONLY biz out there that can help you generate...

UNLIMITED DAILY INCOME starting from just $5!

Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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12/5/2012 9:01:29 PM

When you watch the compensation video, visualize unlimited double infinity paylines passing up unlimited DAILY $1,838`s to you, over & over. That's how much you can earn per referrals who upgrade to 2 thru 5, when you're qualified on packages 2 thru 5. Lots of all-5-package Resellers get qualified very quickly. You could earn many $1,000`s before Christmas, or even this week!

Lots more people joined in the last few days. Now you can join for only $5 for your first month if you join by December 31...

It`s highly recommended to join at least up to Packages 2&3 immediately, or all 5 if you can.

Watch the compensation video today, visualize $1,838`s instead of just the example $97`s and then join/upgrade to the packages you can afford.

I`ve been one of the top earners for over 2 years and I will coach you every step of the way. EZWS is realistic multi $1,000 days, realistic $10,000 or more first month income potential, and realistic 6 figure potential within 6 to 12 months.

Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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12/6/2012 9:07:06 PM

Too many people are not seeing the BIG Picture with EZ Wealth Solution:

Some people don't like the 2-up in packages 2 thru 5 because they don't want to potentially lose some heavy-hitters:

Here's the thing...the 2-up in packages 2 thru 5 is usually an average of four or five people (2 passed up per each package would be 8 passups but some people upgrade to more than one package at a time and may be passed up on more than one package)...BUT...

In my 2 years with EZWS, I've had about 520 payliners, and about 5 of them were passed up to my sponsor as my qualifying sales....SO...

The remaning 515 people in my paylines can potentially pass up an average of 5 people to ME.

Anyone who's on the fence about joining because MAYBE you'll lose POTENTIAL heavy-hitters as your passups...

Look at the BIG Picture of 1,000's of people being passed up TO YOU!

Besides that, EZWS has a payline-passthru system in which people can still be in your paylines in upper packages later if they don't upgrade to all packages immediately, and if they upgrade later they can be in your paylines in higher packages if they upgrade after you're qualified.

You get paid 100% per package sale, the total commission per package goes to ONE PERSON, the commissions per package are NOT DIVIDED between members. You may or may not have the same sponsor in all packages. It is possible that you may have your referring sponsor above you in some package paylines, and a different package sponsor in other paylines, depending on when you and your referring sponsor each upgrade to different packages.

INFINITY PAYLINES in EACH Individual Package:
You get paid unlimited $47's when you're qualified in Package 1. You get qualified by passing up your first referral in #1 to the person above you and paying their way into #1, either to your referring sponsor if you were not their first sale, OR to the sponsor who's payline you were passed up into, if you were your referring sponsor's first sale.

Packages 2 thru 5 are DOUBLE INFINITY PAYLINES:
You get paid unlimited $97's when you're qualified in Package 2. If anyone below you brings in a Package 2 sale and you're the nearest QUALIFIED Package 2 sponsor above them, you get that $97 commission. If there's a line of people below you who are only qualified at #1 (or not qualified at #1 or #2 yet), and someone far down in that payline, possibly 10 people down or further, brings in a #2 and nobody above them is qualified on #2 except you, you get that $97 AND the person who upgraded to #2 is put into your #2 payline, and you get the first two people from that person who upgraded to #2, and their first two, and so on.

The same with Packages 3 thru 5...the commissions in #3 are unlimited $247's going down thru double infinity paylines, you'll get the $247 from anyone farther down if there's nobody between you & that person who's qualified at #3, and their first two and their first two, all paying you $247 when they upgrade to #3. The commission for #4 is $497 and the commission for #5 is $997, all double infinity paylines going all the way down thru the paylines under you, passive passups and rollups going up to you after you're qualified per package.

So that's why it's in everyone's best interest to upgrade to all 5 packages as soon as you can, so you'll be the person where "the buck stops here" when you're qualified at all 5, you can earn up to $1,885 per payliner, far down thru infinity paylines, lots of passups & rollups can happen for you at any minute on any day, in addition to your personal sales.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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12/8/2012 6:05:52 PM

This message got the attention of many tour-takers yesterday, some of them have been on the tour-taker list for over 2 years, not taking action...the way to earn money is to take action by joining and then take action by promoting...the EASE of this business really wakes people the HUGE DAILY INCOME POTENTIAL:

I post dozens of tweets to lots of free ad sites daily, these have helped me earn a fantastic income in EZ Wealth Solution! Take the tour and join today for only $5.

You can leverage that $5 into multi $1,000 days just by posting tiny ads to free ad sites, I'll also send you links to nearly 1,000 free ad sites!

EZ Tweet your way to multi $100 days to multi $1,000 days...

* Join me in EZWS 100% Daily Commissions and I will send you links to 1,000 FREE AD Sites!

* UNLIMITED DAILY COMMISSION$ into the $1,000s! Just copy n paste ADS! VIDEOS Close Your Sales!

* Easy Non-MLM $100s to $1,000s per DAY. 100% Commissions up to $1,885 several times daily!

* Join EZWS Today and I will send you TONS of FREE AD sources AND the ADS I use to bring in a high weekly income!

* Proven $10,000 or MORE First Month Potential: PAYS DAILY into the potential $100s to $1,000s!

* GET PAID DAILY from EZWS up to $1,885 for EZ sales of 600 products all together!

* $47's, $97's, $247's, $497's, $997's, $1,885's DAILY Can Pour In For YOU!

* UNLIMITED DAILY PAYMENTS: Earn Up To $1,885 Each! Keep 100%!

* Join TODAY for only $5 and get your own 66-search-engine submitter you can use ANYTIME for ALL your sites!

* Copy n Paste: Multi $1,000 Days! 100% Daily Commissions up to $1,885 per SignUp!

* Why Let Others Get YOUR $10,000 or More per MONTH? All we do is COPY n PASTE ads! You can, too.

* COPY & PASTE toward a $1,500 per WEEK or More Potential: No Personal Selling!

* MONSTROUS AMOUNTS of DAILY CASH: Realistic Multi $1,000 DAYS for LOTS of members!

* SHORT VIDEOS bring in MULTI $1,000s DAILY for Worldwide Members, into your payment processors :)

* Want a VIDEO to bring in DAILY CASH FOR YOU into Realistic Multi $1,000 DAYS? Here it is:

* Can EZWS REALLY PAY YOU $1,000's per DAY to $10,000's per MONTH to $100,000's per YEAR? *Y*E*S*!!!

* Do YOU Hate Selling as Much as I DO? VIDEO rakes in DAILY $1,000's FOR YOU!


* Proven MULTI $1,000 DAYS: Repeated Daily Commission$ into the $100s to $1,000s per Day!

* Want DAILY INSTANT PAYMENTS up to $1,885 per signup? What if a VIDEO closed your sales FOR YOU?

* EXACT AD & directions on where to post on CraigsList for UNLIMITED $1,000s DAILY. No Selling!

* 100s of Digital Products & 3 Sales Sites with VIDEOS to BRING YOU UNLIMITED COMMISSION$ DAILY.

* UNLIMITED DAILY COMMISSION$ up to $1,885 per Sale...Pouring in FOR YOU, several times per DAY.

* STOP LOSING $100s to $1,000s DAILY! That is how much is POURING IN for members. Join us TODAY.

* See the VIDEOS that brought in $1,700,000 for Worldwide Members: No Personal Selling!

* Real Multi $1,000 DAYS Happen HERE for Real People just like YOU.


You can join NOW for only $5 in December AND get the Bonus 100 Package that includes the 66-search-engine submitter that's worth $20 by itself!

Some of my days have been over $3,000. I'm one of the top earners in EZWS and I will coach you on how to earn a potential 6 figures in 6 to 12 months!

Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom

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