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I Relax Into The Awareness Of The One
11/7/2012 1:03:12 PM

The Daily Meditation 11.07.2012

I Relax Into The Awareness Of The One

By Maria Dion, RScP

Maria Dion, RScP

In this moment, I relax into the awareness of the One — of the One Spirit that permeates everything. All that I see, all that I experience and all that I know. For in its pure, original state, Spirit is Love. Love is the Balance of everything. It is the Beauty in everything. It is Abundance, Harmony and Peace.

In this moment, Love washes over me. I magnify Spirit! I let it through me and I unify with it! I am the Beauty in Everything! I am Abundance, I am Wisdom and I am Peace! I breathe in this beautiful day, and KNOW in every fiber of my Being that I am a part of the Eternality of Spirit! As I look in the mirror, I see Spirit within me, shining back at me! I know that I AM THAT I AM.

I allow the awareness of Love to lead me today — as I play, work, live and breathe. I know that Spirit is the origin of each person I encounter today, and that awareness brings harmony to all of my interactions and relationships. I carry the knowledge of my own Divinity and the Divinity of those around me foremost in my mind. I allow positive and loving thoughts and ideas to originate in this awareness as I communicate with those around me. I trust in the perfect evolution of our country and our planet, because I know that every being springs from the same Divinity that I do.

I focus on what I wish to create… because my thought is IRRESISTIBLE! I continually return to Love — to the Loving, Living Spirit which resides in me. I trust Spirit and know that my life is on a perfect path. I am lovingly guided and led by this Presence into right action. Anything that blocks my true expression now falls away never to return. I am clear, focused and powerful. I experience abundance in my life and in the world around me. I marvel and give thanks for the many opportunities that I have — I am a magnet for abundance! There is infinite possibility flowing through me and to me, and I rejoice at my success! All of Life is teeming to experience itself through me! I open myself to experience more Abundance and Peace of Mind right now for I know that Spirit is all there is!

I am so grateful for this Truth! I know that the Law receives the blessings of this treatment and brings them into my experience and into the experience of each person who reads this. I am thankful that my thought goes out before me in the form of this prayer and creates the most magnificent manifestation!

I let go and allow its perfect expression through me, releasing this prayer, confident that the perfect manifestation is making its way to me right now. It is DONE.


Maria Dion is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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