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God Is The Center Of My Being
10/23/2012 1:30:35 PM

The Daily Meditation 10.23.2012

God Is The Center Of My Being

By Ardy Reed, RScP

Ardy Reed, RScP
There is only one Universal Source that pervades everything and that Source is Love Expressed. God– the One Divine Life. God– Eternal
Everlasting Life. It is Compassion, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Joy, Peace, Love, Freedom, Comfort, and Full Expression being expressed!

I am one with with this Universal Source. God is in the center of my being, and I am in the center of God. Being unified with this One Life-
knowing there is no separation, I know that I am this one love expressed. I am one with this divine life. I am compassion, omnipotent, omnipresent, joy, peace, love, freedom, comfort, and full expression. I also know I have this infinite power within every moment. Knowing I have this presence within me, I also know this is true for you. You are one with God. God is in the center of you, and you are in the center of God. Being unified with this One Life- Knowing there is no separation I know for you that you are this love expressed. You are one with this Divine Life. You are compassion, omnipotent, omnipresent, joy, peace, love, freedom, comfort, and full expression and has this infinite power within in every moment.

As I feel this deep within my spirit, and live in the full presence of this realization right now, I can see this deep and loving compassion for all things in life. I see an endless peace for I see that Love is our source and in the center of our being. I know and feel the presence of God pouring through every movement and see this endless and boundless compassion in every moment and every experience!

It exudes through each and everyone of us. I can feel the tingling sensation and the amazing power of it pouring into every life we touch! I see the full embracing, enveloping, and knowing that we are this Love in action. I see the full and perfect evolution in each of us throughout our entire journey fully embracing the light and source within in every moment and within all shifts through life knowing it is Love being expressed fully right now!

I am so grateful for this wisdom, compassion, insights, gifts, and everlasting unconditional love. I am thankful for the gift of loving presence, comfort, and peace as a part of my life right now! I am in deep appreciation that we are outwardly expressing this compassion and unique expression in life right now! I love seeing this endless stream of love and expression in life— this ever growing wisdom, and consciousness expanding in every moment knowing that life is eternal! I am so grateful to see this perfect Divine pattern being expressed through each and every one of us!

I release my word into law knowing it always is the perfect servant and partner to my word… always manifesting precisely what I speak into it!

It is here now. It is done!

And I anchor my word into law by saying, “And So it is!”

Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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