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Don Evans

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Easy, Easy, EASY Way To Make Money, & Lots Of It!
10/9/2012 1:49:40 AM
This is a message I got about an hour ago from the Admin of Cloud2x2 (through
my sponsor. I have taken his name out and put my name in). Since then I have
watched that short video two times and send the admin the email as outlined below.

Hello Don,

Thank you very much for your interest in the BEST program EVER ..
Our professional t'eam of leaders will do everything for you and
You will finally succeed.
You only need one referral to qualify to earn 7K over & over.. We
Will get that for you -- for real !

Why on earth would you not join ?
Below is an example of the MINIMUM of earnings you can easily
Earn in just 12 months...
I am using this example - if you only c'ycled through the small boards
Just once per position in 12 months (bearing in mind, you could easily
C'ycle several times for each position increasing your earnings dramatically)

C'ycle through the small boards just once a year per position...
And you will receive $10,500 per position x 3 positions = $31,500
PLUS once you complete the boards - you re-enter the Diamond
Board, meaning every time you c'ycle that small board over & over..
You will earn an additional $7K over & over & over
For example... C'ycle the Diamond board approximately 4 times
Within 12 months - You will receive another $28,000
That is a total of $59,500 minimum earnings in 12 months - on
Average $2975 a month !
Imagine if you c'ycled through all the boards twice per position (or
More) in 12 months ... You would receive $63,000 plus what
You will earn each and every time you c'ycle the Diamond board
An additional $7K over & over ...
Can you now see why you MUST join Cloud2x2 ?
If you are still sitting on the fence. I suggest you get off it and
Join the BEST program on the Internet..

Cost to you - A ONE TIME $125 (plus processor fees = $135)
We give you 2 additional positions completely F*REE -
Triple your earnings.
We are the fastest moving Cloud2x2 T'eam - So make the wise
Decision and join today !
Click the link below to view the Life Changing details.

Turn up the volume.. You will love this.
See why all those others have failed, and how this one will work for you.

Watch the vidoo, but DO NOT join from this link.
TO JOIN and get an immediate placement on the board ..
Send Email to Admin at
Copy this in the subject line ...
"I am ready to join - B*uy 1 Get 2 F*REE Offer"
NOTE:When you send that email please be sure to mention that Don Evans referred you.
Don't have the funds? S'pecial Offer :
P'urchase 1 position for $50 one time..
TO JOIN and have your position placed within a few days or so..
Contact me - Copy this in the subject line ...
"I am ready to join for a one time 50"

Include in your message: Your full name and preferably a
G-Mail address to ensure that you receive my reply.

We accept... Solid Trust Pay - Payza - Credit Card - Debit
Card and Pay Pal


PLEASE take full advantage of the above offers as they
Will be ending very soon.

See you at the Bank
Don Evans


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