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Remembering the Good and Seeing the Miracles
10/7/2012 1:05:53 PM

The Daily Meditation 10.07.2012

Remembering the Good and Seeing the Miracles

By Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Rev Martha Quintana - Senior Minister - Rio Grande Center For Spiritual LivingThere is a Love so deep, a Life so pure that it permeates everything that has ever lived or will ever live. How sweet it is to relax in this Love, in this Life. How sweet it is to remember Good.

And as I remember It, I remember myself – my own love and my own life. I am that Good made manifest as me, and as such I have all of it coursing through every part of my being and life. I am that Good Life. As I know this for me, I know it for every single person who reads this prayer and remembers the Good.

Knowing that all is Good, I affirm and declare easy and effortless activity. That Holy Spirit that animates and permeates my body goes out before me making clear and smooth my way. Everywhere I go, everything I do life opens up before me. Seeming miracles happen right before my eyes and I am left in awe of the eternal life that fills every point in space. This true love is all that exists now and forever in my life.

I give thanks for all of it – Good. No matter the appearance, I am grateful for the eternal evolution that is my life and my being. I am so grateful for all of my blessings seen and unseen. It’s all Good.

With a grateful heart, I release it all knowing it is done.

And So It Is.


Rev. Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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