The Daily Meditation 10.05.2012There Is Only One Life, One Power, One Presence.By Rev Jennie Goff, Minister There is only one life, one power, one presence. This life is everywhere present and eternally giving of Itself to create all that is. This creative intelligence is the presence of love, peace, wholeness, well being and limitless supply. This loving presence has always been, always will be and is fully present right now. I am made of It and all that It is I am as well. Just as I know this is my truth I know this is the truth for every single person with whom I come in contact. I recognize the Divine within each one. I see their lives as reflections of peace and harmony. I know Creative Intelligence guides and directs every word and every interaction. Spirit is fully present in every aspect of each one’s life. The limitless supply of good is the birthright of each being and anything unlike this good simply melts away. I am filled with gratitude as this truth and the power of the words I have spoken resonate with my being. I am so grateful to know the Truth. I confidently release my words to the all powerful law; the law that always says, “Yes!” I let it be. So it is. Rev Jennie Goff is a minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico