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Let’s get serious People—Follow The Money!!!
8/6/2012 12:42:22 PM

Let's get serious People---Follow The Money!!!

Who among you have that drives have not been stranded by your vehicle for one reason or another? And beside from wanting to sell the pile of junk what did you wish for the most, with the exception of a new vehicle that is...a tow truck right....

I will let you in on a little secret MCA is way more than just a Tow Service Company...I will let the company's reputation speak for itself. MCA have been around since 1926..that's a long time people..and we all know how hard it is to stay in business these days..most are hanging by a thread..not MCA

Motor Club of America Benefits Review

I’ll start with the MCA Prescription Discount Card which allows members and their families to experience an average of 65% on drug prices through their nationwide of over 50,000
Discounts on
Prescription, Vision Care and Dental

pharmacies. Your actual savings does depend on the meds and the pharmacy your using.
There is also an available option to enroll in the Mail Order Pharmacy. Simply call customer service and speak to a representative who will be happy to assist you with enrolling. With this option there is a 7-point test used on prescription to guarantee quality assurance. Standard shipping is free.

OUTLOOK Vision Discount Benefit: Providers are easily found via a toll free number or convenient website. You simply present your card at a participating provider to receive your 10-50% discount. You’ll be glad to know that you can also ask about hearing benefits from Beltone.

DENTALMAX Dental Discount Benefit: Offers pretty generous savings of 20%-50% off most all General Dentist’s and Specialist’s standard fees. Members only enjoy access to nearly 70,000 dentists nationwide for all these below:

  • Preventive and Diagnostic (Oral Exams, Cleanings, X-Rays)
  • Restorative (Fillings, Inlays and Crowns)
  • Endodontics, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Orthodontics

Finding a provider once again is easy via a website then just present your MCA Discount Card to participating providers.

NOTE: This is not insurance or even an insurance program/product. There is no monthly fee and there are no registration fees. Once you receive you membership card you can start using it immediately which is always a plus.

Another great feature here is, your entire family in the household are covered with your identification card. You must go to a participating WellDyneRX pharmacy. You cannot go to just any pharmacy of your choosing.

Example: One member had a teeth cleaning for only $11.00. In my area, a cleaning is $85.00.

Credit Card Protection:

If you’re credit card is lost or stolen, Motor Club of America offers $1,000 of protection for you. Just register your cards with MCA.
Registration is Free. Just make 1 phone call and you’re protected. When you’re held liable for loss or misuse of stolen credit cards. Protect yourself from ID theft has never been more important.
FACT: 11.1 million adult victims of I.D. theft every year amounts to $5.2 billion in total fraud.

Bail Bond Service of $25,000

When you’re driving a vehicle and are charged with a moving traffic violation such as:
Motor Club Of America Up To $25,000 Bail Bonds

  • Speeding
  • Vehicular Manslaughter
  • Negligent Homicide =>You’re Covered!

Arrest Bond Certificate of $500

If you’re stopped for a moving traffic violation and there is a charge against you, we will post a $500 Bond for you. NOTE:Some states simply write you a ticket, but some require you to pay that fine before they let you go!! Think of the peace of mind at knowing that this is handled by a simple phone call.

For Attorney's Fee

What if you’re taken to jail? Use this money for any of the 100 moving violations that you could be charged with.

  • Up to $200 for moving violations (ex. speeding)
  • Up to $2,000if in a traffic accident and you have criminal charges against you for negligent homicide or vehicular manslaughter.

$1,000 Additional:

To help you collect on injuries you suffered in an accident or someone else damages your vehicle.

$5,000 Stolen Vehicle Reward:

If your car is stolen, call MCA to report it as well as to the local authorities. They will put up a $5,000 reward paid to the law enforcement agency or private individual responsible for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief who stole it. NOTE: No covered family member can claim this reward.

$500 Reward: For information lead

  • Live Stock
  • Saddle
  • Live Stock/Equipment Trailer
  • Tractor or Farm Equipment

Fact: Over 800,000 vehicles are stolen yearly totaling $5.2 billion in property loss

Travel Assistance Program Global:

Motor Club Of America Travel Assistance Program
As a covered member and if you are more than 100 miles away from home and have any kind of medical emergency you receive:

  • Medical Consultation
  • Care for minors
  • Prescription Assistance
  • Medical Repatriation –Repatriation: Emergency Evacuation arranges to medically transport a patient to an appropriate medical facility. Medical Repatriation arranges for a patient to return home to receive care. Repatriation of Remains arranges for return of deceased remains back to the place of residence.
  • Return of Mortal Remains
  • Emergency Evacuation – “I hear that those helicopter medivacs don’t get off the ground for less than $25,000″
  • Hospital Admission Guarantee
  • Legal Referrals
  • Medical Evaluation Plus Much More..

Emergency Roadside Assistance Dispatch or Reimbursement

Motor Club Of America Roadside Assistance Dispatch or Reimbursement

24/7 Sign & Go Service (POV) & Reimbursement up to $100 for:

  • Battery boost
  • Gas delivery
  • Flat tire
  • Break down
  • Lock Out Service
  • Wrecker Towing – All you have to do is call, sign and drive!

There Are 3 Major Differences

  • 100 miles to the destination of your choice. [While other similar services only go to the nearest garage or 50 miles maximum]
  • Unlimited Usage: “Use us but don’t abuse us” is the motto.
  • Reimbursements: $100 reimbursement if you choose to use a garage of you choice – you pay the difference.

Also covers RV, Dually Truck (under 1 ton), Boat Trailer, Motor Cycle, or Live Stock Trailer up to $100 per service

$500 Travel Assistance

  • If you’re involved in an accident (no matter who is at fault or maybe it involved you hitting an animal, this benefit will pay you
  • If you have an accident under 50 miles away from home this will pay you for care rental for 7 days up to $500
  • If the accident is more than 50 miles away from home, Motor Club Of America will pay up to $500 for meals, lodging , commercial transportation. Whatever to get you back home. This assures you are not stranded!
    FACT: It is estimated that 10 million motor vehicle accidents occur annually.


Motor Club Of America Trip Planning and Travel Reservations
When you’re planning to take a trip, just call a Motor Club of America representative and they will send you a nice trip package. This includes a schedule, detailed routing, maps, airline reservation services takes care of you airline travel reservations and hotel discounts. Saves you money with “One Stop” reservation services takes care of your airline travel and vacation packages.

Accidental Death Benefit of $10,000

Paid to your estate if you die within 90 days of a covered accident as a result of your injuries.

It is estimated that 124,000 accidental deaths occur annually.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment of

you’ll also receive these Motor Club Of America Benefits. You have 3 options of receive this accident AD&D coverages.


Motor Club Of America $50,000 Accidental Death Coverage

  1. $50,000 Principal sum for the name member
  2. $25,000 on you and $25,000 on spouse
  3. $30,000 on principal for named insured, $15,000 spouse, and $3,500 for each child – for dependent children under age 13 (up to 4 consecutive years)
  • Up to $1,500 per year for each dependent child enrolled in a qualified institution of higher education or dependent children in the 12th grade level (up to 4 consecutive years)
  • Up to $3,000 to retrain a surviving spouse to enter the job market

...ONLY $19.95 PER MONTH

Covers you when you’re injured in any covered accident. Motor Club Of America will pay you a $500 emergency room benefit. This could be used for ambulance ride, ER visit, Xrays, lab work, casts or splints, not to mentions crutches. So if the doctor’s decide they want to keep you overnight for whatever reason, you know already that you have $500 at your disposal.

If you have insurance, this could help with the deductible and it’s paid directly to you regardless of the insurance you currently have.

If you must be admitted to the hospital, Motor Club of America will pay you $150 per day up to 365 consecutive days. That’s potentially $54,750 paid directly to you!

In closing, I hope I was able to provide a solid basis of information for you to allow you to make an educated decision as to whether this Motor Club of America Review can be of service to you and your family.

Motor Club Of America Total Security Plan Photo

Covers you when you’re injured in any covered accident. Motor Club Of America will pay you a $500 emergency room benefit. This could be used for ambulance ride, ER visit, Xrays, lab work, casts or splints, not to mentions crutches. So if the doctor’s decide they want to keep you overnight for whatever reason, you know already that you have $500 at your disposal.
If you have insurance, this could help with the deductible and it’s paid directly to you regardless of the insurance you currently have.


Why Wait Your Time Is Now!!!


I know...I know you've seen 1,000 youtube videos, articles, facebook post, tweets, etc. about TVC MATRIX/MARKETING. Well go ahead and make this post 1,001! Today I will just cut to the chase,

1. In order for you to have access to the GREAT benefits MCA provides, as well as the sales commission MUST BE 18+ W/COMPUTER & INTERNET ACCESS & A CITIZEN OF THE USA OR CANADA Sign up.

2. Pick your package Go Best Now! for $19. 95. I am providing a promotion for a limited time to those that want to be a member on my team.

3. Once you complete your investment to get started with your own business, you will receive your welcome package in the mail. On-line, you will receive a referral link to your site and you immediately can advertise that link online using FREE online advertising or with offline advertising with flyer's, business cards, friends family, etc..

3 steps, that’s all and you are in business. Once you finish you can email me and I will provide you with some important support info. I look forward to working along with you entrepreneurial minded individuals in the VERY near future.

Enjoy the rest of your day! Happy Blogging, Earning and Living!


Success in Progress ;-)


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