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7/27/2012 9:24:18 PM
Please post your free ad in this thread. Are you making enough C-A-$-H online yet?

Thanks for your support, Steve Runningman Martinezshopper
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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7/27/2012 9:27:33 PM
Hi Stephen ... Yes ... Earned Over $100,000,00

My Money Making System
Join Me With My Own Design Proven Money Making Plan

It's a really neat; easy to follow, money making plan. The plan allows you to feature many or your own existing opportunities, so will increase your traffic, sign ups, and income.

Once you are signed on and have your own site like this with your opportunities featured, then:

Invite any of your friends who want to earn good extra income to join you in this system.

Once you have joined, you invite your friends over and show them how this simple networking referral building system works. Once they are fully updated and familiar with the system, they can then duplicate what you are doing and invite their friends to join. It's always better to deal with people in person and show them rather than give them instructions to follow. Please Visit

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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7/27/2012 9:29:47 PM

Thanks, Steve!

Kathleen VanBeekom Recommends...
How to Leverage $20 into nearly $2,000 per Day (or more) Potentially within about 2 Weeks or Sooner:

GCC & EZWS are NOT MLM. We earn 100% commissions unlimited times per day for SALES of digital & software product packages.

Some people may say there's no such thing as a perfect world, there are no perfectly duplicatable systems or duplicatable marketers...but how difficult or how EASY is it to make ONE DAILY SALE of $20?

Here's a very achievable scenario:

You join GetCashConnected and upgrade to Package 1, total of $20 to join/upgrade.

Day 1: You get your first sale of Package 1 in GCC and that $15 is passed up.

Day 2: You get your second sale of Package 1 in GCC and earn $15.

Day 3: You get your third sale of Package 1 in GCC and earn $15, and your Reseller from yesterday gets their first sale and that $15 is passed up to you. Your total today is $30, plus $15 yesterday, grand total of $45, and you put $25 toward upgrading to Package 2 in GCC. Now you have a net total of $20 in your pocket.

Day 4: You get your fourth sale of Package 1 in GCC and earn $15. You get your first sale of Package 2 today and that $25 is passed up. Your first from the first #1 payliner from yesterday gets their first sale and that $15 is passed up to you. You earned a total of $30 today, plus the $20 you had from before, total of $50, and you put that toward upgrading to #3 in GCC.

Day 5: You get your fifth sale of Package 1 in GCC and earn $15. You get your second sale of Package 2 in GCC and that $25 is passed up, now you're qualified to earn $25's starting with your next sale of #2. The first signup from your #1 payliner of yesterday gets their first sale and $15 is passed up to you. You also get $15 from the first of the first of the previous day. You still have $15 net profit from the past couple days, total of $60.

Day 6: You get your first sale of #3 and that $50 is passed up. You get your third sale of #2 and earn $25, plus the $15 from #1, for a total of $40, plus $60 you previously earned, total of $100, plus three sales from the three payliners in previous days for $45 more. You put $102 toward joining/upgrading to Package 2 in EZ Wealth Solution

Day 7: You get several $15's and $25's from #1&2 sales/passups in GCC and your second sale of #3 in GCC and that $50 is passed up. You get your first signup in EZWS and pay $47 to your EZWS sponsor and also get your first sale of #2 in EZWS and that is passed up.

Day 8: You get your third sale of #3 in GCC and earn $50, plus several $15's and $25's from #1 & 2 in GCC, and pass up your second sale of #2 in EZWS. You now also have your second Reseller in EZWS who will pay you $47 when they get their first signup.

Day 9: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's in GCC and your first commissions of $47 from the first signup of your #1 payliner in EZWS and you also earn $97 from your third personal signup in #2 of EZWS. You upgrade to #3 in EZWS.

Day 10: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's in EZWS and your second $97 for #2 in EZWS. You pass up your first sale of #3 in EZWS.

Day 11: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's and $97's in EZWS. You pass up your second sale of #3 in EZWS. You upgrade to #4 in EZWS.

Day 12: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's and $97's in EZWS. You get your first commission of $247 for #3 in EZWS. You pass up your first sale of #4 in EZWS.

Day 13: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's, $97's and $247's in EZWS. You pass up your second sale of #4 in EZWS. You upgrade to #5 in EZWS.

Day 14: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's, $97's and $247's in EZWS. You earn your first commission of $497 for #4 in EZWS. You pass up your first sale of #5 in EZWS.

Day 15: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's, $97's, $247's and $497's in EZWS. You pass up your second sale of #5 in EZWS. Now you are fully qualified in both GCC and EZWS and can earn up to $1,975 per referral, unlimited times daily, from personal referrals and lots of PASSIVE INCOME from passups/rollups who join both businesses thru your unqualified payliners.

Day 16: You earn several $15's, $25's, $50's, $90's in GCC and $47's, $97's, $247's and $497's in EZWS. You earn your first commission of $997 for #5 in EZWS. Now you can earn unlimited total combined commissions up to $1,975 DAILY, unlimited times per day, including multiple passive commissions from unlimited payliners. Now imagine this happening EVERY DAY from now on! It CAN happen...

The point is for everyone who joined behind you to follow you into the higher packages by using their income from previous package sales. When everyone puts their focus on just getting at least one daily sale of #1 in GCC and putting their income toward upgrading to higher packages in GCC and then into EZWS, then after they are qualified all the way up to all 3 packages in GCC and all 5 packages in EZWS, everyone can receive full commissions of $1,975 per payliner, one after the other after the other, from that day onward. By the end of our first month in GCC/EZWS, we could all achieve 6 figures, just from starting with a $20 investment into #1 in GCC and staying focused on bringing in 1 signup daily, then putting our income into upgrading to each higher package, and encouraging our team to do the same in a focused follow-us system.

You could earn a lot more a lot faster than the above daily examples! Lots of members get numerous sales daily. Lots of new members also upgrade to the maximum packages immediately on the day they join GCC & EZWS, and many people join both businesses on the same day and promote daily to dozens of ad sites.

Chart of how the GetCashConnected Commission Structure works:

PACKAGE 1 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Packages 2 & 3 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 2 & 3 and losing commissions up to $75 when your referrals upgrade to 2 & 3)
Your first sale of Package 1 will be Passed Up to your sponsor.
All Package 1 referrals pay their own way into Package 1.
Your sales of 2 & 3 will Roll Up and will not be counted as qualifying sales if you are not upgraded to 2 & 3.
PACKAGE 1 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 1 Package, you'll be earning commissions of $15 when your payliners get their first signup on Package 1)
You will receive $15 from each of your Package 1 payliners. You get the first from the first each paying you $15 for their first signup in #1, thru infinity paylines.
Your sales of 2 & 3 will Roll Up and will not be counted as qualifying sales if you are not upgraded to 2 & 3.
PACKAGE 2 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Package 3 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 3 and losing commissions of $50 when your referrals upgrade to 3)
Your first 2 sales of Package 2 will be Passed Up.
All Package 2 referrals pay their own way into Package 2. If you have not paid for Package 3 yet, any sales of that package will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 2 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 2 Packages, you'll be earning commissions of $25 when your referrals upgrade to 2, or commissions of $40 when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to 1 & 2)
You receive $25 from all your payliners in Package 2.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $25. If you have not paid for Package 3 yet, any sales of that package will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 3 Unqualified MembersYour first 2 sales of Package 3 will be Passed Up.
All Package 3 referrals pay their own way into Package 3.
PACKAGE 3 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at all 3 Packages, you'll be earning commissions of $90 when your referrals upgrade to all 3, or when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to all 3)
You receive $50 from all your payliners in Package 3.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $50.

Chart of how the EZ Wealth Solution Commission Structure works:

PACKAGE 1 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Packages 2 thru 5 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 2 thru 5 and losing commissions up to $1,838 when your referrals upgrade to 2 thru 5)
Pass Up Your First Sale of #1 and Pay $47 to Your Sponsor.
Your sales of 2 thru 5 will Roll Up and will not be counted as qualifying sales if you are not upgraded to 2 thru 5.
PACKAGE 1 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 1 Package, you'll be earning commissions of $47 when your payliners get their first signup on Package 1)
You will receive $47 from each of your Package 1 payliners when they get their first signup in Package 1, you get the first from the first each paying you $47 for their first signup in #1, thru infinity paylines.
Your sales of 2 thru 5 will Roll Up and will not be counted as qualifying sales if you are not upgraded to 2 thru 5.
PACKAGE 2 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Packages 3 thru 5 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 3 thru 5 and losing commissions up to $1,741 when your referrals upgrade to 3 thru 5)
Your first 2 sales of Package 2 will be Passed Up.
All Package 2 referrals pay their own way into Package 2. If you have not paid for Packages 3 thru 5 yet, any sales of those packages will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 2 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 2 Packages, you'll be earning commissions of $97 when your referrals upgrade to 2, or commissions of $144 when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to 1 & 2)
You receive $97 from all your payliners in Package 2.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $97. If you have not paid for Packages 3 thru 5 yet, any sales of those packages will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 3 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Packages 4 & 5 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 4 & 5 and losing commissions up to $1,494 when your referrals upgrade to 4 & 5)
Your first 2 sales of Package 3 will be Passed Up.
All Package 3 referrals pay their own way into Package 3. If you have not paid for Packages 4 & 5 yet, any sales of those packages will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 3 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 3 Packages, you'll be earning commissions of $344 when your referrals upgrade to 2 &3, or commissions of $391 when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to 1 thru 3)
You receive $247 from all your payliners in Package 3.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $247. If you have not paid for Packages 4 & 5 yet, any sales of those packages will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales on 4 & 5.
PACKAGE 4 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Package 5 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 5 and losing commissions of $997 when your referrals upgrade to 5)
Your first 2 sales of Package 4 will be Passed Up.
All Package 4 referrals pay their own way into Package 4. If you have not paid for Package 5 yet, any sales of that packages will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 4 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 4 Packages, you'll be earning commissions of $841 when your referrals upgrade to 2 thru 4, or commissions of $888 when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to 1 thru 4
You receive $497 from all your payliners in Package 4.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $497. If you have not paid for Package 5 yet, any sales of #5 will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales on #5.
PACKAGE 5 Unqualified MembersYour first 2 sales of Package 5 will be Passed Up.
All Package 5 referrals pay their own way into Package 5.
PACKAGE 5 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at all 5, you'll be earning commissions of $1,838 when your referrals upgrade to 2 thru 5, or commissions of $1,885 when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to all 5)
You receive $997 from all your payliners in Package 5.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $997.

Click here for more details.

New Reply
7/27/2012 9:29:53 PM
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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Flag of Nellie .

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7/27/2012 9:45:09 PM
Hi Stephen, I am looking here for a great business. Nellie
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