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Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum! (25th edition)
1/8/2006 1:03:19 AM
*************************************************************** *************************************************************** Hello Everyone At AdlandPro! It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez Folks, LaNell will be assisting me from now on with the POTW forums and polls. She has been a great help to me and I wanted to thank her here publicly. Thank you so much LaNell! The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for selecting a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: Criterion How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: • Are highly visible on the community • Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. • Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ****************************************************************** This week’s POTW is another of AdlandPro’s Angels her name is Carla Cash. More than once Carla has been known to come to the rescue of another member in the community, I guess that makes her a Guardian Angel. LOL She is another reason why AdlandPro is the nicest place on the Net to do business. Thank you Carla for being our Guardian Angel and congratulations you are this week’s POTW! We love you Carla, enjoy your week! ****************************************************************** Here is Carla’s Bio: HI EVERYONE!! When I was nominated to run for P.O.T.W I was surprised and really overwhelmed when I won. I am blessed to have so many good friends in this community. So many people in here made me feel welcome and offer a helping hand that I feel like I have a home on the Internet here! My name is Carla Cash. I was born in a small town (like the song) Plainfield, Indiana in 1952 and had a good and easy life. I had a sister and two brothers and two loving parents who brought me up well and taught me to love God, country and my fellow man. I went on to get my degree in Special Education then got married and had my family. I didn't have a career until 12 years ago. I went to work with the mentally challenged and elderly off and on and have until now. . I had some bad relationships in the past and have lived in different states since then, but I have found someone now who treats me right and gives me moral support in what I do! He sings Gospel Music with me and together we sound pretty good! Most of you know him as DOC, Donald Carey. I have a son Matthew (29) who is married and lives in Texas, Andrew (28), who is a First Sargeant in the US Army, stationed in Hawaii who is married to First Sargeant, Nya and has a 2 year old daughter, Aiyanna, who is a real sweetie, and three children who live in Indiana. Stephen (19) who is a culinary student, Angela (17) a high school honor student and Seth (13) a typical teenager, in Indiana. None of the younger ones are with me right now due to circumstances beyond my control. All of them love music like I do. I started with Adland just for the advertising and then joined the community. I thought I was doing really good when I had 100 friends! Then I found out how to write forums, and form relationships as much as possible. Now I help and pray for others and others ask for help from me. I want to thank LaNell who is a special friend and Marion who is a really good mentor. She has put up with a lot from me (believe me) and is a real blessing. I have a lot of good friends in here now! I am able to build my businesses better and help others to do the same. Thanks, John for all you have done in AdlandPro! Thanks, Bogdan for putting it here for us! I hope I can continue to meet and help people in Adland and improve myself in business-building skills! Thank you all again for making P.O.T.W. and may God richly bless all of you! Love you all, Carla ****************************************************************** Well folks, how about thanking our Guardian Angel for all she does here at AdlandPro! Carla, enjoy your week of praise! Love and blessings to you all! :-) John Sanchez and LaNell ****************************************************************** ******************************************************************
Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum! (25th edition)
1/8/2006 1:11:49 AM
Congratulations Carla! That is great you won! You are a real nice lady and I am glad you have found someone as wonderful as you are! Many blessings to both of you! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan
Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum! (25th edition)
1/8/2006 1:16:28 AM
Congratulations Carla, Have a great week as P.O.T.W. Christine
La Nell !

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Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum! (25th edition)
1/8/2006 1:16:29 AM
Hello Carla! :-) Congratulations and celebrate your success. You have been a great friend to me and others in this wonderful community. Enjoy your week of POTW honor and best wishes to you. ;-) Well, Doc looks like sexy made it here. 8) Hello John! Sweetie! Thank you for your kind words. I know that I will enjoy assisting you on your work projects. LOL,LaNell
Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum! (25th edition)
1/8/2006 1:22:51 AM
I just invited her to be my friend:)

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