
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Chart of how the GetCashConnected commission structure works:
7/15/2012 2:28:33 PM
Chart of how the GetCashConnected Commission Structure works:

PACKAGE 1 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Packages 2 & 3 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 2 & 3 and losing commissions up to $75 when your referrals upgrade to 2 & 3)
Your first sale of Package 1 will be Passed Up to your sponsor.
All Package 1 referrals pay their own way into Package 1.
Your sales of 2 & 3 will Roll Up and will not be counted as qualifying sales if you are not upgraded to 2 & 3.
PACKAGE 1 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 1 Package, you'll be earning commissions of $15 when your payliners get their first signup on Package 1)
You will receive $15 from each of your Package 1 payliners. You get the first from the first each paying you $15 for their first signup in #1, thru infinity paylines.
Your sales of 2 & 3 will Roll Up and will not be counted as qualifying sales if you are not upgraded to 2 & 3.
PACKAGE 2 Unqualified Members
(If you have not upgraded & paid for Package 3 yet, you'll be losing qualifying sales on 3 and losing commissions of $50 when your referrals upgrade to 3)
Your first 2 sales of Package 2 will be Passed Up.
All Package 2 referrals pay their own way into Package 2. If you have not paid for Package 3 yet, any sales of that package will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 2 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at 2 Packages, you'll be earning commissions up to $40 when your referrals upgrade to 1 & 2, or when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to 1 & 2)
You receive $25 from all your payliners in Package 2.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $25. If you have not paid for Package 3 yet, any sales of that package will Roll Up and not count as qualifying sales.
PACKAGE 3 Unqualified MembersYour first 2 sales of Package 3 will be Passed Up.
All Package 3 referrals pay their own way into Package 3.
PACKAGE 3 Qualified Members
(After you're qualified at all 3 Packages, you'll be earning commissions of $90 when your referrals upgrade to all 3, or when an Unqualified Package 1 member brings in their first signup up to all 3)
You receive $50 from all your payliners in Package 3.
You get the first 2 from the first 2, thru double infinity paylines, all paying you $50.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Chart of how the GetCashConnected commission structure works:
7/15/2012 2:29:47 PM
Leverage $20 into $10,000 First Month Potential:

You CAN earn realistic $100's DAILY, and realistic $1,000's to potentially over $10,000 per month,
starting in your FIRST MONTH, just by posting ads, there are lots of pre-written ads & banners you can use.
* Daily 100% Commissions of $15, $25, $50 up to a total of $90 per referral!

* High-demand digital & software products that can supercharge any biz promotions!

* Lots of passive income can also pour in for you!
Package 1 is a 1-Up pay plan that can provide you with unlimited paylines of $15's thru infinity.
Packages 2 & 3 are a 2-Up pay plan that can provide you with unlimited amounts of double paylines of $25's and $50's thru infinity.

One daily upgraded referral to all 3 packages in GetCashConnected will amount to $32,850 in a year. Plus all passive rollup/passup income from your payliners that can amount to high 5 figures or 6 figures in your first year! Your potential GetCashConnected daily commissions can amount to several hundred dollars daily.

Lots of people don't earn $32,850 yearly from their 8-hour per day "real job" could easily earn it from posting ads online for a short time daily! You can earn a LOT MORE than THAT!

If you make one daily sale of all 3 packages for $90 for 30 days, subtracting the $165 passed up to your sponsor, that's $2,535 (you don't pay it forward for anyone, each member pays for all of their own packages in GCC)

Your first sale of Package 1 is passed up to your sponsor, your payliners pay for their own packages, you never pay for anyone else's Package 1 in GCC, just your own.

When each of your other 29 personal referrals on #1 gets their first signup and pays you for their qualifying sale of Package 1, that's 29 x $15 = $435.

GCC is NOT a pay-it-forward system in #1, each member pays for their own Package 1 (each member pays for all of their own packages, you never have to pay anyone else's way into Package #1).

Your first 2 sales of Packages 2&3 are passed up to your sponsor. Lots of members bring in their qualifying sales on their first day and start earning commissions within their first 24 hours.

Then when your 28 personal referrals on #2&3 get their two qualifying sales of Packages 2 & 3, their 56 qualifying members on Packages 2 & 3 would each pay you a total of $75, that's $4,200.

The first two from those 2 will also pass up two qualifying sales of Packages 2 & 3 to you who will each pay you $75, thru double infinity paylines.

The ads & followups are pre-written for you. This is very simple, it's a no-brainer!

GetCashConnected is very affordable and it's easy to earn several daily commissions.

Take the tour and don't wait another day, tons people are joining this immediately the first time they see it,
don't get left behind because lots of people join daily, and if they see YOUR ADS, they can join thru YOU...GCC can put $100's into your wallet DAILY.

==>>GCC also offers you a 15,000 URL rotator/tracker, so you can track all your ads, and also create up to 300 rotators with up to 50 URLs in each.

Join/upgrade to all 3 packages today and I'll put your GCC link in my rotators that are currently in dozens of ad sites, so your GCC link will start being displayed within minutes after you upgrade/pay for your packages.

I'll also send you links to hundreds of free ad sites when you join. Thanks if you join today!

Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Chart of how the GetCashConnected commission structure works:
7/16/2012 4:41:06 PM

INFINITY PAYLINES in EACH Individual Package:

You get paid unlimited $15's when you're qualified in Package 1. You get qualified by passing up your first sale to the person above you, either to your referring sponsor if you were not their first sale, OR to the sponsor who's payline you were passed up into, if you were your referring sponsor's first sale.


You get paid unlimited $25's when you're qualified in Package 2. If anyone below you brings in a Package 2 sale and you're the nearest QUALIFIED Package 2 sponsor above them, you get that $25 commission. If there's a line of people below you who are only qualified at #1 (or not qualified at #1 or #2 yet), and someone far down in that payline, possibly 10 people down or further, brings in a #2 and nobody above them is qualified on #2 except you, you get that $25 AND the person who upgraded to #2 is put into your #2 payline, and you get the first two people from that person who upgraded to #2, and their first two, and so on.

The same with Package 3...the commissions in #3 are unlimited $50's going down thru double infinity paylines, you'll get the $50 from anyone farther down if there's nobody between you & that person who's upgrading to #3, and their first two and their first two, all paying you $50 when they upgrade to #3.

So that's why it's in everyone's best interest to upgrade to all 3 packages as soon as you can, so you'll be the person where "the buck stops here" when you're qualified at all 3, you can earn up to $90 per referral, far down thru infinity paylines, lots of passups & rollups can happen for you at any minute on any day, in addition to your personal sales.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Chart of how the GetCashConnected commission structure works:
7/18/2012 7:38:50 PM

I just linked my chart sites at the bottom, so the GCCchart and EZWSchart and the gccezws combo info are all linked to each other.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Chart of how the GetCashConnected commission structure works:
7/23/2012 2:27:24 PM

I just created an additional info site and added this link to the bottom of my chart sites for GCC & EZWS:

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