Take the time to visit the website and get signed up. Then, pay the one time administrative cost of $7.00 and enter your subscription for $2.00 per week. After7 days, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the program, cancelyour $2.00 subscription (That's easy. It only takes about a minute.), then let me know you have done that, and I will personally reimburse you the $9.00 you spent to check it out within 24 hours after I hear from you.
NOTE: Be sure to look at the Anniversary Profit Group while you are signed up andin your Genius 1000 back office. You will see that there are lots of ways to make moneywith Genius 1000, however, that is the key to the real Big Paychecks!
Please get back to me with any questions you might have after you visit the website.You will not want to miss out on this because nobody has ever asked for their moneyback with this absolutely awesome new way to make money on the internet!.
Don Evans