Just Tweeted! Prize Claimed! You won 100 Credits! Free 7 day upgrade to Silver just for clicking 250 times. Folks this is better than free! Every Sunday you have an opportunity to earn the free upgrade to Silver in Click Voyager. That gives you twice the value per click which is already great. I Love Monday's...Everybody including free members receive a bonus of 50% more per click for 24 hours. All active members on Monday's are in a drawing for 3 7 day Platinum upgrades. Join before the end of May (extended to include the last two days of June) and I will transfer 10,000 credits to your account and be available to personally guide you to success. Click on New reply below and let me know that you joined. Happy Memorial Day, Ken Wolff @KenWolffP.S. Remember those that have sacrificed to keep us free. May peace prevail throughout the World! P.P.S. This is not actually a poll. Not quite sure how it got here when creating this thread, and I do not know how to delete it.
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