
Looking to take control of your life and career?
5/17/2012 6:52:22 AM
Join me in a company where 70% of all active affiliates make money. Zeek has the highest
bonus pool in the MLM industry with up to 50% of each day's net from penny auctions paid
back to the membership.
Zeekler is Zeek's penny auction site where people bid on silver &
gold bullion/coins, jewelry, appliances, IPads, IPods, cameras, TV's, laptops, printers, power
tools, gift cards, even cash, for a fraction of retail cost.
Zeek Rewards is the profit sharing system
making you money off the penny auctions. Driving traffic to the Zeekler penny auctions entails
spending 3 minutes a day to place an ad given you to a site also given to you. Do this and share
in the overall profits of the penny auctions every day. Your participation in the actual auctions is
not necessary, but you may want to since you are given free auction bids with which to do so.
Zeek is a very stable place to make good money at for the long haul.

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