
Craig Hawkins

41 Posts
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Perfect for the 98% Who Struggle to Make Money Online
5/16/2012 10:04:06 AM
Have you ever wished that online money-making opportunities were more like work in 'real life' - that you could simply complete a task, and be paid a fixed amount of money for it? If so, I've got great news!

I want to introduce you to a network of forums and blogs where you will GET PAID for every single comment you post. The way it works is ingeniously simple. Forum and blog owners pay money to get quality comments on their sites, and you get paid for providing those comments! On average, you'll earn an amazing $1 for every twelve comments you post.
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SEO strategies and niche Marketing techniques, to optimize your Website/Blog visibility. The tools you need to take your marketing to the next level. How to rank your Website or Blog, email marketing skills, and viral video advertising techniques.
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