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Gaining Intuitive Insights... can Help your Busine$$ Succe$$ greatly
5/13/2012 2:09:15 PM

Hello Dear Members & Friends,

Here is a wonderful article that can Make a Huge Difference for YOU...


Gaining Intuitive Insights
by Owen K Waters

It’s a little-known secret that, during the first two hours of sleep at night, people reconnect with their soul consciousness. The spirit realms are where most dreams occur throughout the night. The soul realms are beyond this. To reach soul consciousness, your awareness moves up through the spirit realms and, upon reaching the deepest sleep state, reconnects with your innermost state of beingness.

During that time of reconnection with the core of your essence, you review the latest events in your life and plan what would be best for your next moves. You won’t consciously remember the experience when you return to your sleeping physical body, but your soul awareness is always there in the background, ready to be accessed at any time by conscious intent.

Accessing the wisdom of your soul awareness takes only a moment. Just stop what you are doing, turn your attention within and see what your intuitive impressions are concerning the issue at hand. When you slow down for a moment to tune into the subtle and quiet whisperings of your soul, then you have true wisdom at your disposal in the world of daily living.

The advice to “sleep on it” when faced with a big decision now takes on a whole new meaning. Knowing that you will mull this decision over at a soul level at night, you can appreciate that, the next day, your feelings on which course of action to take will be inspired by the wisdom of your soul.

At a soul level, you have access to a much wider perspective of reality. For a start, you can project any decision into the future and see, in lifelike reality, exactly how that decision will work out. That process certainly beats guessing at such outcomes. In a soul-level projection of the future, you see all the threads of interactions with other people and how everything will turn out based upon current trends. This wisdom is then available to your waking state via the power of intuition.

Personally, when it comes to an important decision, I insist on having three nights of “sleeping on it” before I will agree to give an answer as to whether I will go ahead. Doing this means never again having to say, “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”

Sometimes, you are faced with a situation that has just come up and you could use some insight as to what the real situation is. You may be on the spot and not be able to retreat into a quiet location for a good meditation. In that case, just polling your sense of intuition for inside information can be enough to bring up insights that help you handle the situation in the best way possible.

After a soul contact session, you’ll either find yourself thinking, “Wow, why didn’t I think of that earlier?” or you may find yourself feeling stuck. If that is the case, let the problem go for now and entrust your soul awareness to research and find the best solution. Ask for insights to pop up into your awareness at any time, detach by releasing the topic to your soul, and go about other activities. It won’t be long before some very helpful thoughts arise as if out of nowhere.

The power of intuition works to give you all the insights and inside information that you need to make a great success out of everything you seek to achieve.

*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Owen K Waters is the author ofSpirituality Made Simple, which is available both as a paperback and a downloadable e-book, at:


All the Best always,



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