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The Players Lottery
5/6/2012 10:57:47 PM

The Players Lottery
The Players Lottery™ is a brand new type of eGaming product, creating an entirely new eGaming category.

Explosive growth potential

We have created the most powerful Referral Rewards Program ever conceived for lotteries to drive referrals like no other program before it.

New Viral Affiliate Payout Plan
We have cre­ated a 5 tier “Exponential” payout plan – the first of its kind – We are taking the common tiered affiliate commission structure 5-levels deep and viral – With no negative carry-over!
Sub-affiliate component included
Our 5 tiered payout plan also includes commissions on sub-affiliate’s customers as well!

The Product
The Players Lottery is a new and unique lottery product offering the Best Odds on the Planet to win - by far. Our odds to win €10,000,000 start at 1 in 300,000 and only get better from there. Compare that to the ludicrous odds of 1 in 116,000,000 to win the EuroMillions jackpot. There is no comparison. This is the lottery your customers will want to play.

Benefits to your customers and competitive advantages over state-run lotteries:
We offer a far better chance to actually win! When your customers see the difference in odds as compared to those of the “state-run” competition, it is hard to find a rational reason to choose any other lottery but ours.
€10,000,000 Jackpot – winner every draw. Main Jackpot does not carry-over.
Prizes are paid in single lump sum with no taxes deducted.
Your customers can play for as little as €5
Group Play – our software allows players to form their own pools, clubs and syndicates to increase their buying power and to further improve their odds to win – all the way up to 1 in 1,500 odds to win €10,000,000!
Community forums, blogs, news and videos keep it all interesting, social and fun.

Introducing Share the Wealth

Share the Wealth ™ is the most innovative and powerful referral rewards program ever conceived for lotteries. Your customers will love this - and so will you when you realize how powerfully this pro­gram will drive your business.

Share the Wealth™ rewards players for referring their friends and family to The Players Lottery™ in a new and exciting way. Put simply: If you refer a friend to The Players Lottery and that friend pur­chases any Players Lottery Ticket and wins the main jackpot prize of €10,000,000, you win €100,000 just for making the referral. But you also win €100,000 if your friends friend wins. Or if your friends friends friend wins! And that is only the beginning. We award a €100,000 prize to each level of refer­ral for a full 5 levels deep! And it continues for the life of your customer

To illustrate the power of 5 levels of exponential growth, take a look at the following illustration

By Introducing only 10 People to The Players Lottery and assuming that each person only refers 2 oth­ers, your Share the Wealth Network™ has swelled to 310 people. If ANY of these people win the main jackpot prize You win €100,000! Imagine if you introduce 1,000 or 10,000 or more!
A referred player is tagged to your network for as long as you both remain members of The Players Lot­tery™. That means that if one of your customers wins the jackpot 1, 2 or even 100 draws after
Over multiple levels of referral, a players Share the Wealth Network™ can grow exponentially. Players that put in even a minimal effort will be rewarded with a far greater chance to win a prize and there­fore will be greatly encouraged to refer their friends, family members and colleagues. We supply all the links, banners and buttons to ensure that they can easily refer everyone they know through Facebook, Twitter, email or by several onsite methods that we provide. And all of their effort serves to expand YOUR Share the Wealth Network™. 3 Affiliate Program
you have referred them You win €100,000! Even if you never buy a lottery ticket

The Players Lottery™ Affiliate Program

Share the Wealth™ PLUS a 5-Tiered Commission Structure

Now that you understand Share the Wealth™ and how the power of exponential growth can give you a great and realistic opportunity to win €100,000 every draw, lets make it really interesting by adding 5 levels of commissions to the mix.

Our 5-tier exponential commission structure pays you a 3%, 4% or even 5% commission on all customer purchases on all 5 levels of your Share the Wealth Network™. PLUS, you receive a 1% commission on all your sub-affiliates customers purchases as well. These percentages over 5 levels of referral really add up to a huge payout! You will be amazed at the effect that 5 levels of referral has on your earning potential.

Fantastic Earning Potential
Our payout percentages of 3%, 4% or 5% may not seem like a lot at first glance, but just wait until you see what those percentages mean over 5 tiers of referral! The power of exponential growth is amazing. The following pages will illustrate just how powerful our system can be.

But first, lets look at the payout levels and how you can achieve the highest payout percentage.

Payout levels are based on the amount of revenue your network produces. Higher levels are unlocked for you when you reach the next revenue plateau.

Please note that these payout percentages will apply to ALL revenue for example if your network produces €45,000 in revenue, you would receive a 4% commission on all €45,000 (NOT 3% on €40,000 and 4% on €5,000) 4% on all of it.

The Gold Level may seem like a lot, but you have yet to see how your revenues increase exponentially through the 5 levels of referral. The above levels can be easy to reach

PLUS you receive a 1% commission override on Sub-Affiliates!

Not included in the revenue charts and in addition to the fantastic earning potential for your own customers, The Players Lottery™ also pays you a 1% commission for sub-affiliate customers. And in­credibly, this sub-affiliate override extends to 5 levels below you as well. For example, if you refer another affiliate and that affiliate refers a customer, you would receive a 1% commission for the first 3 levels of that customers network purchases!

No Negative Carry-over!

The revenue that your network earns is never subject to negative carry-over. Negative carry-over is a term used to describe a common practice amongst casino and poker sites that counts a players win­nings against the referring affiliates revenues and carries it forward to subsequent pay periods until a positive balance is restored. No commissions are paid during this time. In other words, if a player wins €10,000, the referring affiliate would not earn commissions for that player until the player has lost €10,000.

The Players Lottery does not use this practice. Even if one of your customers wins €10,000,000, you will receive 100% of the commission on that customers purchases every draw for a long as that per­son remains a customer.

WARNING: A new immensely powerful viral marketing system has been released, which allows marketers to broadcast messages directly to people's desktops. Learn more about it here:
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