
So Why Don’t You Have A Mobile Website To Market Your Local Business?
5/1/2012 7:29:16 PM

40% of potential sales are lost due to lack of a mobile site...

93% of adults possess some kind of mobile device...

89% of people make use of their mobile device daily...

81% of people surf the web on their device everyday...

50% of total local searches are done on a mobile phone...

68% of people will make an in store visit after a mobile search...

40% of them will make a purchase after a mobile search…

20% of them will make a purchase over their smart-phone...

50% of small businesses have a traditional website…

95% of small to mid-sized businesses do not have a mobile website...

By 2014 the amount of mobile devices will outnumber desktop computers...

You should be among the 5% with the foresight to establish a mobile presence...

So, why don't you have a mobile website?

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P.S.: I wanted to thank Smisha Marketing for inviting me to this forum

Building your own mobile presence is like representing yourself in court. Yeah you could do it but have you ever heard of it ending successfully? Allow StrategosMMS to introduce you to the local mobile market.
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