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The Gift of Forgiveness
4/28/2012 2:52:50 PM

Hello Dear Friends,

Here is an interesting video about Forgiveness... enjoy!

Love & Blessings


"Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the Understanding that allows us to set aside the Emotional Impact of that injustice pertaining to ourselves. When We no longer hold those Emotions, and have Understanding for the Person, We have Forgiven them. ~ MoonSinger
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: The Gift of Forgiveness
4/28/2012 4:31:11 PM
To the Forgiveness Learning School.

This video is worth it's weight in gold.

I for one know what a blessing it is to receive the Gift of Forgiveness, how you change anger into love, how much lighter you feel without all the baggage, how you seek things that have kept you a prisoner for so many years to be released of the turmolt you have been in. Oh, the blessed feelings, you know The Gift of Forgiveness in Divinely given to all that will receive.

RE: The Gift of Forgiveness
4/29/2012 2:13:41 AM

Alain this was a very thought provoking video. I think each of us deals individually with each situation and these past few months I've had a hard time dealing with some of it, I admit, as my resolve was really put to the test. My solution has been to try and put it out of my mind and each day I succeed a little more but I have resolved that I shall live the rest of my life to the fullest, regardless.

Sometimes the best solution is to distance ourselves, not only physically but also in our minds, from a negative situation and go on with life and that is what I have chosen to do. I am basically a happy person but sometimes I do get the wind knocked out of my sails but I guess that is part of life.

Can people change? At my age I've learned that peoples' character, principles and etc are usually so deeply ingrained by the time they become an adult, that seldom will they change and those with so much anger, resentment, jealousy and etc will continue as this is just a part of their makeup. It would be wonderful if there was no hate, resentment, jealousy and etc but I really think the reality is we'll continue to see this as we live in an imperfect world.


Hello Dear Friends,

Here is an interesting video about Forgiveness... enjoy!

Love & Blessings


RE: The Gift of Forgiveness
4/29/2012 3:43:10 AM

Hello Dear Mary Evelyn,

Thank You for your Visit and great comment... Much appreciated! This is exactly how we can all contribute to The Forgiveness School... by sharing about our own difficulties or successes with Forgiveness.

Alain this was a very thought provoking video. Great! We are growing through challenging our own thoughts and beliefs.

I think each of us deals individually with each situation and these past few months I've had a hard time dealing with some of it, I admit, as my resolve was really put to the test. My solution has been to try and put it out of my mind and each day I succeed a little more but I have resolved that I shall live the rest of my life to the fullest, regardless. I feel that too often this is the way that we first start by envisaging the situation and, as you mentioned, it might feel a little better each day as we move forward. However, this is still there buried within ourselves and it will manifest itself again on the next similar occasion making this new one even worse and making it impossible for us to approach the new situation from a loving perspective as we are still hurting from the previous one. And, I must add that, again in my opinion, it affects the level of the fullest to which we can experience our life also. The only real healing, in my opinion, occurs with Forgiveness.

Sometimes the best solution is to distance ourselves, not only physically but also in our minds, from a negative situation and go on with life and that is what I have chosen to do. Distance is necessary to allow for the dust to fall back to the ground and for a better perspective on the whole situation. But, I feel that, as soon as possible, we should try to achieve Forgiveness for our own full healing process.

I am basically a happy person but sometimes I do get the wind knocked out of my sails but I guess that is part of life. Again Mary Evelyn, my personal feeling is that it is part of our life only because we still have hurts within ourselves that bring about shadows over our happiness. The more we can free ourselves from these hurts, the more we can fully experience our happiness in life... no matter the outer circumstances.

Can people change? If I speak for myself, I will answer a big YES!

At my age I've learned that peoples' character, principles and etc are usually so deeply ingrained by the time they become an adult, that seldom will they change and those with so much anger, resentment, jealousy and etc will continue as this is just a part of their makeup. This seems so evident for most people indeed. Because for someone to change, it involves working on ourselves to clean up more and more, as we move forward, of these inappropriate memories, data or programs within ourselves that bring about these inappropriate thoughts, emotions and actions. This is not easy task but feasible with some dedication. However, we are so programmed in our society in believing that we are "nothing", that we are not able to, that we are poor victims, etc. and to give our own power to any autority around being parents, teachers, priests, gurus, doctors, governments, etc. that we then simply strongly believe that we cannot change anything... which from my own experience is purely illusion. And, again, Forgiveness plays a big part in this whole cleaning process.

It would be wonderful if there was no hate, resentment, jealousy and etc but I really think the reality is we'll continue to see this as we live in an imperfect world. But, this is Now, as we move into this new era for humanity, becoming a greater possibility to transform ourselves and others will follow in the process as more and more become aware of the illusion that we've all been programmed to believe. We are much greater Beings with so much more potential to heal and transform ourselves than we think or believe we are. Thus, leading to a transformation of our reality at the individual level and eventually at the collective level. Myrna and myself believed from deep within our Hearts that Forgiveness was a very important Key if not the Key to unlocking this healing and growth potentiality within oursleves and this is why we decided to start this Forgiveness School.

I wish Mary Evelyn that you can find your own way to heal and free your heart from these hurting situations... for your own well being. And, please envision the possibility that Forgiveness might play a keyrole in this process.

Hugs & Blessings,


"Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the Understanding that allows us to set aside the Emotional Impact of that injustice pertaining to ourselves. When We no longer hold those Emotions, and have Understanding for the Person, We have Forgiven them. ~ MoonSinger
RE: The Gift of Forgiveness
11/12/2012 5:41:23 PM
Jesus: Forgiveness is the Best Medicine for Healing Available to You 2012 NOVEMBER 9
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Forgiveness is the Best Medicine for Healing Available to You

As channelled by John Smallman – November 9, 2012

Now that a major illusory distraction has passed – yes, the US presidential election – you way-showers and Light-workers can focus once more on your task of assisting the sleepers to awaken.

Love . . . love . . . love is the answer to all problems, issues, and disagreements, and when you awaken into Reality – the creative energy field of divine Love – you will immediately understand this.

Here there is no conflict because Love joins all together in harmonious cooperation, and Love, your true nature, has no desires that could possibly lead to disagreement or conflict because It wants what is best for everyone, always. That is Oneness in operation.

Focus on that divine truth, refocus on it, and refocus on it. That is how you change the environment from one of fear to one of loving trust, which is what every single person incarnate within the illusion truly wants. It is achievable! Focus on it constantly and see how all your relationships change for the better.

A loving presence, which is the major spiritual attribute of every human, offered indiscriminately and unconditionally by each one of you in every interaction can and will change the world. It started to do so eons ago, but until the last two or three centuries of your present era its influence was quite small.

Since the tragedy and suffering of World War I humanity’s vision has altered enormously as the insanity of millions of men killing one another — because their governments and military commanders told them to do so — became an actuality that no one could any longer deny.

Never before in your human history has there been such a growth in concern and compassion for one another as has occurred since that unconscionable and incredibly arrogant decision was made by men of supposedly sound mind to engage in all-out war in August 1914. In a way it was a necessary lesson for humanity — bearing in mind that war, suffering, and all its attendant miseries, while extremely painful for those involved, are illusory.

When you awaken, all the embedded pain that many are still holding onto — because wars remain an ongoing concern all across the world — will dissolve along with the nightmares that you have been experiencing for so long.

Your essential task is to be loving, compassionate bearers of the Light in every moment. You can do it because the power of Heaven is supporting you in this. Do not judge yourselves as bad, wrong, or unworthy when you forget and react unlovingly to a perceived attack or offense. Recognize what has happened. Allow yourselves to be human by accepting that you made an error and by forgiving yourselves.

Judging yourselves (or others) and angrily reliving the experience shuts down the flow of loving energy which it is your express intent to share, until you stand back from the situation, or the memory of it, and forgive yourselves and the others involved. When you have done that, then you can move back into your natural intended state of love and compassion for all.

It can be very hard for you to forgive; and when you hold on to resentment over perceived mistreatment, you drain away your energy and your stress mounts. To forgive is a decision that you can make instantly (again, of yourselves or of others); it simply requires that you stand back from the situation and do it. At first your ego will resist by drawing your attention to the pain, shame, or blame it believes you have suffered.

Don’t go down that road — it is an endless loop of re-experiencing the pain of something that has passed. Just strengthen your intent to forgive and focus your attention on something that pleases you (NOT “I know I was right!”), something you are looking forward to with happy expectation, and dismiss the painful memory because it serves no useful purpose.

Because your true nature is Love, then even in the illusion, in the egoic bodies to which you have anchored yourselves, to forgive is a natural response which your egos frequently persuade you to restrain. Forgiveness is an aspect of yourselves that you are unable to discard because it is part of your eternal, loving nature.

You can deny it, refuse to countenance it, and fill your mind with justification for your unforgiving attitudes and behaviors, but it remains within you, waiting for you to recognize its validity, its essential goodness, and its ability to heal all wounds.

If you are having trouble forgiving anyone at all, or if you truly believe that to forgive is unconscionable in some circumstances, then ask for guidance and clarity from whoever in the spiritual realms you feel most comfortable addressing.

You will be heard, you will be helped, and when that happens you will experience a remarkable sense of peace and satisfaction, and you will wonder why you held out against forgiveness for so long. Forgiveness is the best medicine for healing available to you — so use it and be healed.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the Understanding that allows us to set aside the Emotional Impact of that injustice pertaining to ourselves. When We no longer hold those Emotions, and have Understanding for the Person, We have Forgiven them. ~ MoonSinger