Advertisers & Publishers Banners Broker v2 is a new approach in online advertising to increase your sales revenue while we sell your brand on your behalf – get paid for your impressions, while maintaining full control over the monetization of your advertising campaign. Register FREE today and receive 1000 FREE banner impressions. It’s our way of welcoming you to the team! Why choose Banners Broker? Banners Broker has really created an innovation in online e-commerce business. They do work on behalf of their customers by driving Traffic for them and pass out the most amazing rewards to every single customer. How do I get started? What are my first action steps? All you need to do With Banners Broker is to select an Advertising Package from them and you get a full e-commerce business in a box. Then either when you have your customer rewards you can purchase more advertising to continue getting more rewards or you can tell others how good the company is and get more rewards that way as well. How much do I need to start with? Banners Broker are in well over 100 countries and have an Advertising Package to suit everyone. You can buy a package as little as $25 up to any amount of purchase. So whilst you can start at that level I would recommend that the $55 package is the place to start if possible. The $410 Professional Pack is the most popular one currently. How does BB manage to pay people double any amount they purchased in only 16 weeks? Well that is the BB innovation!! They are in the online advertising and Traffic generating business. When you purchase an Advertising package BB go to work for you and quite quickly drive traffic for you to generate you customer rewards. Do some packages move faster than others? It is not the Packages it is the Ad Panels that complete their traffic cap at different times. The Yellow panels then the Purple, Blue, Green, Red and Black panels. So your Yellows can take around 6-8 weeks to generate you twice your purchase back in cash and the Green can be around 15-18 weeks to do the same. What an amazing deal. BB does the work and we make the Money.