
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Want to gain unlimited free downliners & credits for dozens of traffic sites?
4/11/2012 5:13:28 PM

Did you hear...someone gained over 21,000 members to just one of
the traffic exchanges in his downline here...and there are tons of
downlines you can build for TE's and other ad sources in this system,
PLUS you can gain PASSIVE ad credits for all those tons of TE's!

What's the BEST PART of this offer? You can upgrade to Silver or Gold just by using your credits from traffic exchanges! No monetary investment needed!

I hope you found time to look at VitalViralPro. Here's my link again
in case you didn't get around to it...

Most people who have a business they want to promote seem to
almost consider traffic generation as an afterthought.

When you join VitalViralPro you'll learn how to create a complete
traffic system that will keep growing and growing, sending ever
more traffic to your business and building your subscriber list.

What's great is that this system can move with you if you change
businesses. Imagine finding out that your business is a lemon.

The thought of starting over :-(

But if you have your own traffic system that you've been
nurturing, you could hit the ground running in any new business.

You'll find that once you get some members in your VitalViralPro
system, it will start to grow on it's own - easily.

It's not like promoting a specific business where only a fraction
of people are going to be interested.

Everyone wants more traffic whatever business they're in. So your
market is just about everyone!

Here's the link again - check it out and join today.

To Your Success,
Kathleen VanBeekom

P.S. Remember it's free. Oh and I forgot...if you grow your
VitalViralPro downline and then want to switch to another downline
builder in the future, everyone you signed up in the different
traffic exchanges remain in your downline!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Want to gain unlimited free downliners & credits for dozens of traffic sites?
4/12/2012 2:44:10 AM

VitalViralPro shows us where our traffic is coming from thru our referral links, and exactly which ad brought in our referrals for VVP. I got 2 referrals today, one from the post above here in Adlandpro Community, and the other from a duplicate post at Instant Blog Subscribers.

The way to get daily signups for your businesses is to post ads daily in several different places, I received 2 signups for VVP from a "small" ad campaign today to 4 blogs/forums and 1 safelist and 2 traffic exchanges. Simple! The blogs/forums are pulling in signups because those are more permanent posts, and can be as long as we want, and there's usually a loyalty factor among readers of blogs/forums.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Want to gain unlimited free downliners & credits for dozens of traffic sites?
4/13/2012 2:49:00 AM

2 more signups for Vital Viral Pro today! One came from a mailing thru Viral Inbox:

and the other was thru my blog at PowerListMarketing:

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Want to gain unlimited free downliners & credits for dozens of traffic sites?
4/17/2012 4:25:46 AM

Vital Viral Pro has fantastic Platinum & Premium memberships,

I upgraded last week and there are lots of traffic tools, including URL rotators and banner rotators and downline builders for dozens of traffic exchanges.

Try one of the upgrades, they are very lowcost and have tons of great features, and you can earn commissions by promoting your link!

The highest membership, Premium, is less than $10, and you can earn 40% commissions as a Premium member, plus 70% bonuses of advertising credits from your direct referrals, and that can really add up to a LOT of ad credits for you if you get lots of referrals to VVP!

Take a serious look at Vital Viral Pro and upgrade today and promote!

Sincerely, Kathleen

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Want to gain unlimited free downliners & credits for dozens of traffic sites?
4/17/2012 5:04:40 PM

What else? You can create a photo-brander for any site, plus add a banner and text link to the top, AND it also has a viral-bar that leads to Vital Viral Pro and helps you get referrals and also tracks your traffic to that page...this is great!

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