Amanda Martin-Shaver
Amanda Martin-Shaver Bio: James and I were internet penpals for approx 3 years. I am a New Zealander and James is an American, from Charlotte, North Carolina. I traveled over to the USA back in 1999 to visit many of my penpals as possible in person. I had a wonderful trip traveling 11 States and a one day trip into Canada while I was here. I met James in person when he was living in California, and helped him to move up to Oregon. I went back home to New Zealand for a year and was a student graduating as Level 3 (LPN) Care Giver. James and I became engaged and I flew back to the States where we soon got married. James and I have many similar interests and definitely similar in our humour and slant on life!We both love the Lord Jesus Christ and have our own relationship with Him which is a little different as we are in different developments of our growth. We are not affiliated with any church denomination as we are spiritual and not religious, we believe that no denominations are 100% in true yet many of the mainline churches have truth, because we believe in the same. God Almighty, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - 3 distinct personalities in One. I have two adult children a daughter Kerie, 29 and son Daryl, 27. On 3 February 2007 we relocated to Nebraska We relocated to Georgia 3rd September 2009. Update: We relocated to North Carolina 17 / 18th July 2010. We still have our mare Harmony and bought a racking mare and now 3 dogs to our animal family. Amanda Martin-Shaver