
Don Evans

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$2,00 Per Week Subscription Insures Long Term Sustainability!
3/28/2012 2:46:21 PM

For a ONE TIME cost of only $7 to set up your account with Genius 1000, and
a subscription cost of $2.00 per week, you will be in a position to earn a 500% profit
on every dollar you spend to purchase a position in Line 1 of this revolutionary
new kind of pay plan which is a combination of

Spend $2 and get back $1,000
Spend $10 and get back $5,000
And so on.
The more money you spend on positions, the more money you make.

This Is A LONG TERM financial growth opportunity!

This is not some flash in the pan, here today and gone tomorrow "get rich quick" scheme
to get your money. It is new though. We just launched on the 15th of March. The FOUR
most important things I want you to know right now are:

Genius 1000 was designed specifically to overcome ALL the problems in all the other
programs. They did that by creating a
low cost program that is designed to grow, and grow,
and grow, AND most important, a program that is designed to last LONG TERM.

2. We earn multiple payments of $1,000, and those come in faster and faster as
we go along.

3. After you get signed up, log into your account and read about the $5.00 Catalyst.
That is designed to speed the process up considerably, so you can start cashing out those
$1,000 payouts
a whole lot faster!

4. This is TWO questions I asked Linda Cromwell, the admin at Genues 1000 to make sure
I understood how it was sustainable. (1) Genius 1000 is designed to last and work for the
long term even if I never sponsor anyone?
The answer to that question was Yes. even
if you never sponsor anyone you will still earn as long as your $2.00 subscription is maintained

(2) If that question is true, is it still true if none of the 300 or so current members
ever sponsor anyone? The answer to that question was Yes, because of the subscriptions.
The only way Genius 1000 can fail is if every member stops their subscription which is
highly unlikely to happen.

NOW is a good time to join us!!

Don Evans
P.S. There is absolutely no recruiting requirement to earn that kind of money!
However, there are some nice bonuses built into the program for those who do help
to sponsor new members

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