
Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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FREE COMMISSION$ plus Mailings and Banner/Text Ads & MORE:
3/27/2012 3:27:50 PM


***FREE*** You can get in contact with members of one of the largest & highest response mailers:

VIRAL URL has over 72,000 worldwide members who are extremely interested in earning money online...and Viral URL offers you mailings and banner/text ads plus downline mailings AND cloaking abilities for your affiliate links! Lots of members have earned $1,000's in commissions PLUS lots of leads & signups for our biz offers:


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: FREE COMMISSION$ plus Mailings and Banner/Text Ads & MORE:
4/5/2012 5:50:58 PM

The GOLD Membership at VIRAL URL allows you to

* Email 3,000 members every 3 days

* Email your downline thru 7 levels every 5 days

* Receive random downline members, if they upgrade, you earn commissions!

* Top sponsor ad shown on other members emails

* 5 viral bar ads shown on other members sites (you also get 100 monthly viral bar credits)

* 5 banners displayed in the members area (you also get 100 monthly banner credits!)

* You can cloak unlimited URLS

* You can see the top 100 referring sites per each of your cloaked URLs!

* You can earn commissions up to 60% and get paid every Friday!


* 1,000,000 Sokens for Sokule

* 20,000 FREE ViralinBox Advertising Credits

* 20,000 FREE Viral Hosts Advertising Credits

* 10,000 Advertising Credits at Free-Ad Depot

* 25,000 FREE Traffic Bar Ad Credits

* PLUS Lifetime Membership to MyWebBlogger so you can blast your ads to over 700 blogs with 1 click! Plus unlimited text ad impressions!

THINK YOU CAN'T EARN referral commissions from Viral URL? My sponsor is one of the highest earners here, and he has earned $1,000's and has personally sponsored over 5% of the total members. TRY IT! Upgrade and promote your link! We also get lots of leads & paid signups for our offers emailed thru Viral URL every 3 days:

Log in and upgrade today:

Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: FREE COMMISSION$ plus Mailings and Banner/Text Ads & MORE:
4/5/2012 5:58:45 PM
Viral Inbox can help you get organized with your incoming safelist emails, and Viral Hosts offers you free hosting so you can create your own site of your list of best income source & ad sources, and drive tons of traffic to it. I learned that advertising to LOTS of different places DAILY and having a list of best sources is the best way to generate multiple income streams. EZ Wealth Solution can provide you with an exclusive tracking system so you can see your clicks in real-time for 300 different sites (or make 300 rotators each containing 50 URLS if you want to promote 15,000 links). You can use the EZWS tracker for any businesses you promote, to determine if ad sites are bringing in the results you expect. This can help you save money if you use paid ad sources, by weeding out those that don't bring in traffic.
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