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Jill Bachman

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The Ascension Painting
3/23/2012 11:17:27 PM
Luis, I wanted to bring this beautiful painting over to share it with your art work where it belongs. Apparently it was just completed not more than a few days ago.

Enjoy and hugs, Jill

This painting of the Throne of God, complete with the archetypes of the Lamb, the Four Beasts and
the Elders, is a representation of a remarkable understanding of our Ascension. The enigmatic
figure of the Christ, both androgynous and empowered, suggests that physical Enlightenment is
available to “whosoever will” [Book of Revelation 22:17].

The Ascension Painting, a masterpiece of interpretation, style and multi-faceted spiritual influences,
is destined to be greatly admired by those who recognize its ineffable and unique nature.

The Ascension Painting, 30 x 34 inches, oil on canvas with gold leaf.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: The Ascension Painting
3/25/2012 10:07:41 AM
Dear Jill,

As I was telling you yesterday at the Mountain, I really lack the words to thank you for posting -
now here in my own forum - this wonderful painting; but I will tell you again here that what I find most amazing about it is the wealth of symbols it contains.

As far as this wealth of symbols is concerned, let me please tell you that after the preliminary study of them that I did yesterday, that I am even more convinced now that
there is enough subject matter for many more days, particularly regarding some of them. Now regarding this gift of yours to this forum as a whole, however, a bit of a mystery has intervened in the meantime. Let me pleae tell you about it as well.

Until today, I was thinking that you were going to post this great gift at my New Age forum, I don't know exactly why. Maybe because I have not kept this art forum of mine too active in the last few months. But today I have felt uncommonly attracted to it
and, hence, to your post as if by a powerful force... and not precisely by any notification of it by email as I usually receive, which this time I have not.

Well, that is enough mystery for now, at least for me. Let's see what other important things I may be led to
in this and in the next few days regarding all this.

Thanks again,

Luis Miguel G.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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RE: The Ascension Painting
4/23/2013 2:11:54 AM
Luis, I wanted to bring this beautiful painting over to share it with your art work where it belongs. Apparently it was just completed not more than a few days ago.

Enjoy and hugs, Jill

This painting of the Throne of God, complete with the archetypes of the Lamb, the Four Beasts and
the Elders, is a representation of a remarkable understanding of our Ascension. The enigmatic
figure of the Christ, both androgynous and empowered, suggests that physical Enlightenment is
available to “whosoever will” [Book of Revelation 22:17].

The Ascension Painting, a masterpiece of interpretation, style and multi-faceted spiritual influences,
is destined to be greatly admired by those who recognize its ineffable and unique nature.

The Ascension Painting, 30 x 34 inches, oil on canvas with gold leaf.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
