
The IBO Toolbox! The greatest network marketing site on the net
3/5/2012 5:47:57 AM
My name is Chris Caldon & I have been a member of Adlandpro for about 6 months now & I love it but wanted to share with you a new site that I have been spending most of my time @ the new IBOToolbox.
If you have never heard of it you will. IBO is kind of like as if Facebook & Warrior Forrum had
a baby! It is totallyfree to join and everyone is on the same level as there are no upgrades to buy!
You can advertise in "real" time for free on "the wall" & I have to tell you I have got more sign
ups to my programs with IBO than with any sort of advertising I have ever tried. I can't say enough about it.
I don't get paid to refer, I just get recognition & oh I am the "person of the day" on IBO so my photo is everywhere
So pretty cool.
Thanks for your time & do youself a favor & check out IBO if you want to take your business to the next level!
Chris Caldon
Here's to our mutual success! I will open my Mind & My Soul to The Future That is Internet Marketing.
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