I will pay the ONE TIME cost of $75 for you to get signed up on my TEAM with Wheels Of Fortune, the fastest and most dynamic income generating plan ever created! We have a 15 minute webinar running 3 times every day that will show you exactly how this system works. Click on the link below to schedule a time that best suits your schedule. http://webinarmeetingroom.com/4281/hhnkumfg72/webinar-register.php?
Get Back To Me And Let Me Know When You Are Ready!
If you watched that webiner, you will see that if YOU and everyone else we bring into Wheels Of Fortune can sponsor ONLY 2 people, we are ALL going to make some real BIG Paychecks! So, before I invest that $75 in you, I want to make sure you are willing to spend $150 to sponsor at least 2 new TEAM members. There is some BIG MONEY to be made here and I want you to know that I can only promise to pay that $75 for the first 2 people who respond to this message, so get back to me ASAP. I will be checking my messages often. That does not mean that I will not pay the $75 for you even if you are not one of the first two who respond. I probably will. I am just not going to promise to do that right now. This Is What You Need To Do.
You can use this same message (or one of your own) to send out to people you know or have contact with to tell them about this. As soon, as you have your two new members lined up, and ready to go, let me know, and I will send you that $75 (from my AlertPay account to yours). You will need AlertPay. I will give you a link for the website when I hear back from you. It is expected to be up and running smooth on the 6th or 7th of this month. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Don Evans