
Don Evans

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For YOU If You Want To Earn The Big Paychecks Fast!
3/2/2012 3:04:56 AM

Coming Soon!
Wheels Of Fortune
The fastest And Most Dynamic Income Generating Plan Ever!!

If you want to make some serious money, this is one you will not want to miss!

This is not some Pre-launch hype. This is the real deal. Testing has already been
done, and we know it works ... Big Time!

We are almost ready and will launch full scale during the first week of March.
Probably on Tuesday, the 6th. If not, then on Wednesday, the 7th for sure.

Between now and then we have Webinars running 3 times every day. Click on the
link below to schedule a time that best suits your schedule. NOTE: Be sure to watch
the Opportunity Presentation first. You will understand why after you have seen both
of then in SEQUENCE. Both of them run for about 15 minuets each.

This Is The Opportunity Presentation.

This Is The Pre-Launch Training Session.

After you have watched both of them, get back to me to let me know you want in
and I will send you a link for our new website as soon as I have it... which will probably
be on the 6th. If not, then on the 7th for sure.

Yours In Success,

Don Evans

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