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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
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RGCSL Daily Insights He that hath a Bountiful Eye Shall Be Blessed
2/27/2012 12:37:16 PM

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes

Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights

You will find a new and wonderful insight!

Today's Insights

"True, ideas come from Infinite Mind through what we call the human mind."

"But ideas can only come to the mentality that expects them, and opens its doors of thought to them to enter and pass through into expression. A man, then, before he can be truly successful, must be eternity minded, without longing to die and go to heaven. In other words, he must begin to consciously experience immortality, while in the flesh. It is asking a lot of ourselves, but not one-half of what the universe intends for us. Nothing will be lacking in our world when we recognize our spiritual inheritance. 'He that hath a bountiful eye, shall be blessed.' We fulfill the law of increase by seeing all things with the bountiful eye.

I am unwilling to leave this subject without calling your attention to the inspiring example of Solomon. He was certainly not rich to begin with, but when told that he might ask of God what he would, he did not ask for great wealth. Instead, he asked for wisdom--for rich ideas— then he developed those ideas, until the world acclaimed him a man of great wisdom. Then the logical thing followed; people came from far and near, seeking his advice, and bringing him in exchanges, Riches. The Queen of Sheba brought him quantities of gold, and the King of Tyre brought him the material with which to build his temple. Do we need further proof that right ideas are the chief requisite in the acquisition of any good thing? "

Finally, I would remind you:
"The thought which produces prosperity is a righteous thought, one linked with the spiritual consciousness within man; one recognizing God as the source of man's supply; one recognizing man as God in expression, and consequently never lacking anything of God."

"It Operates Simply By Speaking"

– Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '

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Branka Babic

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RE: RGCSL Daily Insights He that hath a Bountiful Eye Shall Be Blessed
2/27/2012 12:55:08 PM
Hello Richard,

Thank you for providing so valuable stuff.

"The thought which produces prosperity is a righteous thought, one linked with the spiritual consciousness within man; one recognizing God as the source of man's supply; one recognizing man as God in expression, and consequently never lacking anything of God."

This is profound.


Branka Babic

Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
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RE: RGCSL Daily Insights He that hath a Bountiful Eye Shall Be Blessed
2/28/2012 1:39:13 PM

Your Welcome! I am glad that you like it. Make it a grand day in your neighborhood!


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