Dear Internet Marketers, Thanks for that post to the forums. I am looking for something that works for me with no upfront cost . Advertising is a key. Allow me to take a closer look at the programs . Also, will you try to generate some ad exposure with this free approach: Just add the following two HTML Banner Codes to your site in the order shown. The first is a logo to identify the location of the ads. Then send me the web page url for verification. Along with your (1or2) banners/text ads codes to be placed on my website page at: . Please allow up to 24 hrs to see your ads. No problem as you can always delete my banners. (COPY AND PASTE) Ad #1). <a href=><img src="" width="468" height="60" alt="M S M ltd.COM™" /></a>Ad #2). <script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-1122931115613819";google_ad_slot = "7685525096";google_ad_width = 468;google_ad_height = 60;</script><script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>Then just send me your banner or text ad html to: Or reply to this post or email with your web site address url and your ads. SEE YOUR ADS GO LIVE LESS THAN 24 HRS. Thanks, James J P.S. If necessary look for free web site domain creations to build your own FREE web pages Ref:,, and other on the site. |