The Mission of the Forgiveness School
As the name implies, it is a School where we learn all there is to know about Forgiveness. But, We felt it was Important to Define "The Mission of The Forgiveness School".
The Mission
The Forgiveness School is being born in Co-Creation with the Divine and is implemented as a key element meshed into the Divine Plan for all of Humanity. The Forgiveness School wants and will dedicate all the Effort, Time, Light and Love Energy needed to Be Of Service in the following ways...
1) Be a Resource that Supports People from all over the World on their Own Way to Ascension; and, since there is no possible Ascension carrying dirty baggage from past in 3rd dimension reality, Forgiveness provides for a very effective way to cleanse all that is necessary.
2) Create a Niche where all that is needed for everyone to be able to achieve Forgiveness is provided. TOGETHER, We Know How To Forgive to everyone and any situation that might have happened to anyone on this planet. And, We want the Forgiveness School to become a Sanctuary where anyone can find all the info, support, answer needed to fulfill Forgiveness. A Sanctuary where people can feel safe to share about themselves and their life experiences, and their concerns and questions as well as sharing about their positive achievement in how they succeeded to forgive in their specific situations.
3) Provide for a very powerful and natural remedy to most health issues. Understanding that all dis-ease is being born from within, from dis-harmony with the Soul... there is always room for Forgiveness in any treatment of the issue. In some cases, Forgiveness alone could provide for a complete healing while, in other cases, Forgiveness could become a catalyst of healing in combination with any other form of holistic treatment. Health is based on Harmony within and between all aspects of Our Being and Forgiveness is essential to bringing back this needed Harmony.
4) Contribute in allowing for as many people as possible to achieve Ascension. Since, We are NOW on the verge of so many surprising and disturbing news regarding the tyranny against all of Humanity in Time, it becomes increasingly fundamental to provide needed tools for all of us who suffered from this tyranny to be able to Forgive...
a) because we need to Heal within ourselves the suffering involved with this tyranny if We Want to move on with Ascension... as no garbage from the 3rd dimension can move with us into higher dimensions of reality. And...
b) because our Forgiveness will allow for so many oppressors to feel the Love within themselves; thus contributing to help them choosing Light instead of Dark and facilitate their transition to the Light side.
Forgiveness will Make The Difference for Us as for Them... This is CRUCIAL!
5) Join with Brothers and Sisters in Light to Co-Create a New Age, New Ways of Holistic Health Center contributing to the Well Being of people and to the Prevention of any dis-function, leaving for very little kind of necessary medical treatment or intervention. Our True Essence is that of LOVE and, as such, there is only HEALTH!
This is the "Mission" of The Forgiveness School...
And, We commit to do whatever is needed to move forward to Fulfilling this Mission!
Love & Blessings to ALL!