RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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Today's Insight!
Question—Besides an inferiority complex of not being able to meet and be sociable with people, I have had pains in the top of my head, with dizziness, and am depressed most of the time. Will you please help me to overcome this mental condition? Being radiantly happy would help overcome depression and complex, too, wouldn't it?"
"ANSWER—Yes, being radiantly happy would, indeed, heal your negative reactions to life, and since you have sensed that this is the golden key to your problem, the next step is for you to use it to unlock those centers of graciousness and true appreciation of your fellow man, which lie within the soul. That inner, true self, which is really You, knows itself to be unified with the great invisible spirit of Life. It knows this Life to be pure, radiant joy, love and happiness. It knows itself to indwell every human being as a vital spark, an individual p0int in Cosmic Consciousness, and it sees itself in every other individual. Take this Truth into your meditation each day, realizing that you can become whatsoever you can believe yourself to be. If you can accept the belief that you are a perfect, joyous idea in Divine Mind and that immutable law waits upon your wishes, you can change every mental picture of limitation into one of fulfillment. 'Act as though I am and I will be.'"
"In treating the case, say: 'I know there is One Perfect Mind, which recognizes me as a part of Itself. I know the Mind which I use is the One Mind which everyone else uses. By this word which I know to be Pure Spirit, I erase all thoughts of inferiority and I rely on that inner Intelligence to uphold me on every plane of expression. All confusion and bewilderment and mental clouds are dissolved by my word, and all pain, dizziness and depression are erased; therefore, I am free to express life in perfect health and happiness.' (page 73) "
"It Operates Simply By Speaking"
– Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '
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