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Donggeun Yoo

2970 Posts
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Chapter Fourteen : Prospects 25
1/6/2012 1:13:21 AM
Chapter Fourteen : Prospects 25

The Founding Master continued, “Religious orders with sufficient funds will build airports and parks at the tops of tall mountains. They will build elaborate and magnificent shrine halls to enshrine the portraits and chronicles of the public-spirited, so that many spectators from all directions will come to visit, and even the highest dignitaries will have to pay homage and gaze at them. Renowned dharma masters will pursue their cultivation in scenic retreat centers in the respective areas. On occasion, they will go down to temples in the secular world to deliver their dharma talks, and the assembly’s shouts of welcome will shake the mountains. All the laity will escort the dharma masters and their entourages into the temple and, after offering a meal, they will politely request a dharma talk. The dharma masters will then expound on the essential dharma regarding the Way of humanity necessary for leading secular lives, on the dharma regarding the retribution and response of cause and effect, or on esoteric principles of the nature. When their dharma teachings are finished, the congregation will offer large sums as honoraria, which the dharma masters will donate back to those temples. They will receive the same kind of treatment when they go to other temples.”
WARNING: A new immensely powerful viral marketing system has been released, which allows marketers to broadcast messages directly to people's desktops. Learn more about it here:
Donggeun Yoo

2970 Posts
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Do you know WAZZUB ?
2/4/2012 12:06:02 AM

Do you know WAZZUB ?

It’s a fact: companies like Google or Facebook earn billions of $$$ every quarter just because we, the Internet users use their services.
It is time to understand, that we “the users” decide who is earning the big money.

is the first truly global community that pays us “the users”, just for choosing WAZZUB as our homepage.
The more free members we attract, the more money each member will earn.
It is as simple as that; let's discover The Power of "We"!

Pre-Launch and main project will be multilingual and global. Just the pre-registration is English only.
Everybody, even without any English skills, should register as early as possible and invite others to join WAZZ

It is FREE to join WAZZUB and WAZZUB stays free forever. No hidden fees, no admin fees, nothing to sell or to buy.

Nov 11 – Dec 31
Secret Backdoor
(Pre-Registration) by invitation only
Register for free and receive your personal reflink. Invite your family, friends and partners to join WAZZUB and start building your downline.

Jan 1 – March 31


Check the brand new members’ area to watch your downline growing. At WAZZUB, we call it the $FACTOR (Dollar Factor).
The more members that signed up under you (5 levels deep) the more your
$FACTOR will grow.
And, guess what… The higher your
$FACTOR grows, the higher your profit share will be after launch.

Apr 1 – Jun 30

Beta Launch
April 1, 2012 is WAZZUB DAY. Our website will go live and our members start to earn money.
Step by step we will add more and more functions that make WAZZ
UB the perfect home page:
a powerful search engine, a personalized news section, the best deals on the Internet and amazing entertainment features
like videos and skill games, just to name a few.

Based on the feedback and comments of the users we will create what we call the “Perfect Internet”.

Jul 1
Final Version
When all features are up and running and all glitches are solved we can concentrate on monetizing our project.
It is our goal to serve millions of users. Together we can reach this goal.
Let’s activate the Power of “We”!


50% off all profits will be paid to the members. The other 50% go to the shareholders who are investing a lot of money to make WAZZUB happen.
The more users we serve, the more money will be paid out to the members according to their


WAZZUB is free forever, nobody has to pay, buy or sell anything, so where is the money coming from?
Let’s take Google as an example: Google has more than 1 billion unique users per month who use their services without paying for it.
Last Quarter Google made $3 billion in profits just by displaying ads. That means Google earns on average $1 per month per unique user.
UB uses exactly the same technology as Google PLUS some additional streams of income.

It is our goal to attract at least 10 million users per month after June 2012,
but we will share the profits only with those members who registered before April 1st .

will never share your private data with any third party.
Please BookMark


WARNING: A new immensely powerful viral marketing system has been released, which allows marketers to broadcast messages directly to people's desktops. Learn more about it here:

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