RGCSL Daily InsightsRio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! Today's Insight! "THE GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS." "MAN is surrounded by a great universal thought power which returns to him always just as he thinks. So plastic, so receptive is this mind, that it takes the slightest impression and moulds it into conditions. There are two things in man which his thought affects, his body and his environment. At all times he is given absolute control over these two things, and from the effect of his thought upon them he cannot hope to escape. At first, being ignorant of this fact, he binds himself by a misuse of the laws of his being; but as he begins to see that he himself is responsible for all that comes to him on the path of life, he begins to control his thought, which in its turn acts on the universal sustance to create for him a new world. The great soul is learning more and more to dare to fling out into mind a divine idea of himself, and to see himself perfect and whole. If he has a divine thought he will get a divine thing, if he has a human thought he will get a human tiling; he will receive whatever his innermost thought embodies. And so we find in the Bible twice repeated these words: “To the pure Thou wilt show Thyself pure and to the froward Thou wilt show Thyself froward.”" Insight: "It is done unto all as they believe. "
"It Operates Simply By Speaking" – Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind 'If you shop at Amazon we would appreciate it if you would use our links below as it will help our Center. Thank You!