RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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Today's Insight!
Stillness and Receptivity
I am still and receptive to Life.
I let Life flow through me into all that I do, say or think.
I shall let my Life be what it is, and shall not worry nor complain.
I am now entered into the Secret Place of the Soul where complete quiet reigns supreme and where God talks to me.
I receive.
Thanksgiving and Praise
I will give thanks to my Inner Life for all Its Marvelous Wonders, and for all Its Wonderful Works.
I will sing and be glad, for I know that I am hidden with Truth in a
Perfect Life.
The fullness of Joy is mine.
"It Operates Simply By Speaking"
– Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '
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