RGCSL Daily InsightsRio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! Today's Insight Fullness of Light The Light of Life is full within me and around me. It shines forth into the Perfect Day. O Light within, lighting my path to peace, I adore and love You and I let You shine. Go forth and bless all who come to You, Light within. My Light radiates to all and through all. My Light has come. He Who Inhabits Eternity He Who inhabits Eternity keeps watch over me and mine. “He Who neither slumbers nor sleeps” forever keeps watch over all. I will rest in the assurance of Love and Protection. O Thou Great Overshadowing Presence, I am conscious of Thy care; I am aware of Thy loving kindness. I rest in Thee. Be still and know. "It Operates Simply By Speaking" – Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind 'If you shop at Amazon we would appreciate it if you would use our links below as it will help our Center. Thank You!