
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Most People Are Not High Earners Because They Won't Put in 100% for 100 Hours:
12/17/2011 5:49:50 PM

Lots of people tell me I'm one of the few people they see promoting EZ Wealth Solution every day.

Lots of people tell me I'm one of the few people earning consistently with EZ Wealth Solution.

==>>Those statements are like adding 2 & 2 together..

Ever hear some people say they don't do well with growing houseplants? Their plants always die?

Ever hear some people say they always forget to water their plants?

==>>DAILY ADVERTISING is the "water" for your business! It's that simple!

If you want to earn from a certain business, you've got to focus on promoting that business, not tons of other businesses. You wouldn't slosh water all around your plant instead of INTO the flowerpot, would you, and then wonder why the plant died? Then why promote tons of other businesses and then wonder why you didn't earn a larger income from your main biz?

A few times I've asked my group in EZ Wealth Solution (hundreds of people) if they'd put FULL FOCUS on advertising ONLY EZWS for 3 or 4 DAYS, and stop promoting everything else for a few days, and only 2 people said Yes.

That's why most people are not earning a large income from it, they won't even put 100% focus on it for 100 hours, and I'm not talking about 100 straight hours of promoting, just keep your mind on 1 business for a few days and make every ad you usually post just for that 1 business, and not several businesses. That 100% focus for 100 hours can make a big difference, it creates a surge of traffic, then you'll get a surge of confidence to keep doing it for the longterm.

EZ Wealth Solution is the HIGHEST....DAILY...PAYING....Business.

There's nothing else that can provide you with $100's to $1,000's per DAY.

I've been promoting it DAILY for approximately 540 DAYS. I earned high 5 figures. I also remember to water my houseplants. If you want greenery in your wallet, water your business with DAILY promotions, put your focus on the one the pays the most, and pays DAILY.

You can earn REPEATED DAILY COMMISSIONS up to $1,885 per sale from EZ Wealth Solution. There are 5 packages containing 700 digital products. The pay-plan videos can close your sales FOR YOU, then your customers pay you within 24 hours thru your favorite payment processor.

Thanks for taking a serious look at EZ Wealth Solution today!
Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Most People Are Not High Earners Because They Won't Put in 100% for 100 Hours:
12/18/2011 5:11:00 AM

Eat, breathe & sleep your business. I've written hundreds of tweets for EZ Wealth Solution and shared those with my payliners. Even before I had any payliners, when I had zero for my first 3 weeks, my mind was constantly on this business, thinking of new subject-lines for my safelist ads, and thinking up tweets, and looking for more ad sources. When you focus your mind on 1 thing in a concentrated effort for a prolonged amount of time, things start to happen, you make things happen, your thoughts generate your actions, and those actions generate your success in the topic you keep your focus on.

Tweets? When you have a ton of them in a notepad file, you can start combining them all into a large safelist ad, a bullet-list. Start with tweets, they can also be used as subject-lines, make tweet-writing your starting-point...Twitter only allows 140 characters, so assuming your URL takes up about one-third of that, try writing 100-character tweets.

Some safelist owners say that subject-lines of less than 40 characters are best for email ads, so after you write a lot of tweets, just choose the most important words that make sense together, and use those small bits for subject-lines.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Most People Are Not High Earners Because They Won't Put in 100% for 100 Hours:
12/19/2011 5:47:33 PM

UNLIMITED DAILY PAYMENTS: Earn Up To $1,885 Each! Keep 100%!

My sponsor earned $102,000 in his First 7 Months! DAILY COMMISSION$!

Join TODAY for only $10 and get your own 66-search-engine submitter you can use ANYTIME for ALL your sites!

Copy n Paste: Real $1,000 Days! 100% Daily Commissions up to $1,885 per SignUp!

Why Let Others Get YOUR $10,000 or More per MONTH? All we do is COPY n PASTE ads! You can, too:

COPY & PASTE toward a $1,500 per WEEK or More Potential: No Personal Selling!

MONSTROUS AMOUNTS of DAILY CASH: Realistic Multi $1,000 DAYS for LOTS of members!

SHORT VIDEOS bring in MULTI $1,000s DAILY for Worldwide Members, directly into ALERTPAY accounts :)

Want a VIDEO to bring in DAILY CASH FOR YOU into Realistic Multi $1,000 DAYS? Here it is:

Can EZWS REALLY PAY YOU $1,000's per DAY to $10,000's per MONTH to $100,000's per YEAR? *Y*E*S*!!!

Do YOU Hate Selling as Much as I DO? VIDEO rakes in DAILY $1,000's FOR YOU:


Realistic MULTI $1,000 DAYS: No Personal Selling!

Want DAILY INSTANT PAYMENTS up to $1,885 per signup? What if a VIDEO closed your sales FOR YOU?

EXACT AD & directions on where to post on CraigsList for UNLIMITED $1,000s DAILY. No Selling!

100s of Digital Products & 3 Sales Sites with VIDEOS to BRING YOU UNLIMITED $1,838 COMMISSION$ DAILY:

UNLIMITED DAILY COMMISSION$ up to $1,885 per Sale...Pouring in FOR YOU, several times per DAY:

STOP LOSING $100s to $1,000s DAILY! That is how much is POURING IN for members. Join us TODAY:

See the VIDEOS that brought in $1,700,000 for Worldwide Members: No Personal Selling!

Real Multi $1,000 DAYS Happen HERE for Real People just like YOU:

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