RGCSL Daily InsightsRio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! Today's Insight ""THROUGH THE LONG NIGHT WATCHES" "Through the long night watches Thou hast been with me. In the dark place of human ignorance Thy hand hath guided me, Thy light hath lighted the pathway of desolation to a land of plenty. I have perceived Thee from afar,and my soul hath yearned to Thee, 0 Thou Mighty One!The Spirit within me hath urged me on to the goal, and I have not been misled. I have been guided and guarded through the long journey, and Thy Presence hath been made known to me. I awake from the dream and reenter the house of my Lordclothed with Peace and robed in colors of Light." Insight: "The Spirit of Truth watches over me." "It Operates Simply By Speaking" – Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '