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RGCSL Daily Insights – As Little Children…
12/15/2011 2:27:32 PM
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes

Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights

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Today's Insight


"We must become as little children. How we long for a return of that simple trust in life which children have; in their minds there are no doubts, they have not yet learned that they are sinners, destitute of divine guidance and spiritual life. The life of the child is lived in natural goodness. God is natural goodness. The prison walls of false experience soon build themselves into barriers, shutting out the light and the child grows into a man, often losing his sense of that inner guide leading his footsteps aright.We must return the way we came. As little children, who know that life is good and to be trusted, we are to approach our problems as though they were not; approaching them in this manner, they will vanish. Let not the materialist deny us this right, nor the unbelieving cast any reflection of his blindness before our eyes."

"There is a wisdom and power not of the flesh which springs perennially from the inner life,—all-powerful and all-wise"

"It Operates Simply By Speaking"

– Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '

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