Cause of the Perfect Storm!
1) Obesity Much of North America is not just overweight, but obese. That’s a huge blight on the health of Americans (and Canadians too). People need to eat better foods and get much better nutrition and simply lose tons of weight (literally)! Even Michelle Obama, the first lady is speaking actively about proper nutrition for children. 2) Unemployment This is one huge recession and possibly a depression. OK, the economy sucks and many people are working twice as much for half the pay it seems. It’s no wonder you’re totally burnt out by the end of the day, not to mention the week! This is why many Americans and Canadians are actively looking to have an alternative income source. 3) Social Reccommendation Technology makes it so much easier to reach each other online and spread the word about Visalus. It’s a company that’s really going bonkers and kicking butt right now. But with the 3 huge trends going our way, it’s not about to lose speed at all. If anything, it’s going even stronger! Harvard released statistics that obesity continue to rise until it hits 42% of the population. Who do you know could use your help? Send them information : 507 726 3700 or visit: and make a difference in their life, health and financially. Helping them save money on their grocery and save life.