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5ForFree Will Launch Sometime Between 5 and 12 December
12/4/2011 4:12:35 PM

I just got off the Leader's call for 5ForFree. The only thing we are waiting for to launch
is the payment processor to pay out your commissions.

Due to wanting to have this processor in place before launch it has been delayed until
Dec. 12th. However, if they have the processor ready before the 12th, we will get our
links sooner.

You will be paid to a MasterCard with no limits. There will be other processors but the
MasterCard will be the best way to get paid.

More details coming. Keep watching this forum for further updates. I am almost 100%
sure you will be getting your link before the 12th and possibly even sometime between
this coming Monday thru Wednesday.

Very Important

Please attend the special Free Money Webinar on Monday 5 Dec 2011. There will be no
Tuesday webinar this week.

Very special announce about your free money. We are very excited to tell you how you will
be paid no matter what country you live in.

Please attend this exciting free money webinar. If you haven't registered for the webinars yet
please use this link to do so now:

You can see the recorded Dec. 1st webinar here:

This program is going to be HUGE! You are at the right place at the right time. You can make decent money with no out of pocket investment. In fact they will pay you $5 to join!

But you can make huge amounts of money.... no kidding..... for just $10 a month! You
gotta see this!

Don Evans

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