RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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The insight for today:
"Question—I'm not sick or I'm not in trouble of any kind, but for some reason I don't seem to advance as I should. I have no trouble in holding a job, but I only advance so far and then stop. I have been studying Science of Mind for several months and only get so far, then stop—seems like I come to where the trail is dim, and I become lost and just wander around, accomplishing nothing. Will you please advise me how to get over or past this place where I always lose the trail?
ANSWER-It would seem that this losing the trail, and groping about in confusion is a well-beaten habit-track on the subjective side of your life. It should be handled exactly as any other undesirable habit. If advancement is what you desire, you have but to know that, even before the desire (page 54) could present itself to your conscious mind, it had already taken on definite form. We are taught that supply precedes demand—'Before ye call, I will answer and while ye are yet speaking, I will hear.'To wipe out the old habit, turn your mind to the new purpose, that of getting beyond the old mental stopping place. Realize that the infinity of the One Mind is resident within you—perfect, complete and powerful. Know that progress is the immutable law of your good and that there is nothing in the universe that can hinder or delay your advancement."
"Treat yourself as follows:'I know that the One Perfect Mind, in which is everlasting and infinite advancement, is my mind, and It knows exactly how to carry me beyond the old point of confusion. In this Mind there is no confusion, no doubt, no hindrance, no obstruction, and all of these negative thoughts are now erased forever from my mind, and by the power of this word which I speak for my advancement, I know that the immutable law of God waits upon my living word, to fulfill it.' Daily practice will obliterate the old subconscious tangle"
"It Operates Simply By Speaking"
– Ernest Holmes