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Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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The Guru to the Gurus
11/30/2011 6:07:17 PM

form the desk of Mark U

The internet marketing world has its share of superstars...

We call them gurus, for lack of a better term. Of course, I've never seen one wearing a long white robe and flowing beard. And as far as I know, the Beatles never sat at their feet.

However, they're gurus in their own right. Because they've achieved a level of success we all strive for.

But here's a question that always bugged did they get that way?

What was it that catapulted them from mediocre marketers to full-blown guru status?

How did they multiply their profits so quickly?

And how did they build a such a huge gathering a followers in only a few months time?

Say hello to the guru BEHIND the gurus...

For years, Rich Schefren has coached some of the biggest names in internet marketing to multi-million dollar status. And he did it all from behind the curtain.

That's correct--this guy is the secret weapon of gurus everywhere, showing them how to build their businesses and take their profits to the next level...and beyond.

And for a while, you had to pay thousands of dollars to pick Rich's brain for a few minutes. But now, he's opening the vault and laying his entire business-building blueprint out for you.


Inside the Internet Business Manifesto, Rich Schefren reveals the biggest problem you're facing in your business...and how to fix it.

Rich dives into the core of your business to show you exactly how to achieve the mindset of a successful entrepreneur and add several zeros to your bottom line...just like he's done for the guru community.

That's right--the same strategies and tactics Rich has used to transform everyday marketers into overnight sensations are all right here in black and white, just wilting for you to put them into action.

This is POWERFUL stuff, unlike you've ever seen before in a complimentary report. And it can literally change your business in the next few minutes.

You're ready for a change, aren't you?

Go here now and grab your copy immediately. And get ready to have your world ROCKED.



P.S. Of every report ever released in internet marketing history, Rich's Manifesto has made the most impact.

Over 100,000 people (and counting) have downloaded a copy, and many of these businesses have been transformed by what they read inside.

This is not old, rehashed stuff you've seen a hundred times. It's fresh, invigorating insights into what it REALLY takes to grow a successful internet business. And it could be yours right now just for the asking.

Why not get yourself a copy right here?

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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From Frustration to Freedom
12/1/2011 8:41:39 PM

(Cont'd from above post)

Frustrated with the painfully slow progress you're
making trying to build a reliable income online?

Overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do
each day for your online business?

Or are you just plain exhausted... from trying to
juggle building your business while working a day

Well today can lead to all of this changing for
you in a very short period of time, which starts
right away...

When you meet "the guru to the Internet business
gurus"... Rich Schefren.

Based on Rich's experience helping thousands of
deserving people with their online businesses, he
knows you are NOT alone when dealing with
overwhelm, frustration and disappointment.

The fact is, 95% of businesses started online are
doomed to fail.

If you want the exact steps you need to take... to
turn the tables on that dismal statistic and give
yourself a 90% probability of massive
success...starting this week...

... head over to this web page and register now
for a special FREE Accelerated Business Course
Rich Schefren is doing for people just like you,

"From Frustration to Freedom... The 3 Strategic Pillars
That Take the Mystery Out of Succeeding Online in 2011"

Get Your FREE Spot Now:

Rich's personal online and offline business
achievements go back many years. He's been
featured on media outlets like The Wall Street
Journal, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, The
Discovery Channel, The Daily News, The New York
Post... and many others.

Legendary business guru and speaker Brian Tracy
says Rich's guidance has made a bigger difference
in the profit margins of high-level Internet
marketers than anyone (or anything) else.

During Rich's rare Accelerated Business Course,
you'll discover CRITICAL ideas and PROVEN
strategies to make your online business life A LOT
easier and MUCH more profitable...

Strategies NO ONE else in the Internet marketing
world is even talking about!

You'll discover:

7 results-certain steps to building a successful
online business (that you can use to bring in more
cash month after month)...

An EASY way to stop working 10 times harder than
you have to (so you can ENJOY building your
business every step of the way)...

How to bring in more profits each hour you put
into your business (while actually working

And MUCH more!

So grab your spot now for Rich's FREE Accelerated
Business Course...

"From Frustration to Freedom... The 3 Strategic Pillars
That Take the Mystery Out of Succeeding Online in 2011"

... and find out how he's transformed Internet
marketers and opportunity seekers just like you
into Entrepreneurial Millionaires...

Get Your FREE Spot Now...

To your success,


P.S. Registration for Rich Schefren's FREE
Accelerated Business Course closes in just 72

Don't miss out...

Get Your FREE Spot Now...

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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Are you a victim of 'the tactic of the month'?
12/2/2011 5:50:51 PM

"From Frustration to Freedom"
Leave The Tactic of the Month Behind...
And Start Building A REAL Business Today!
FREE Access Closes In Just 48 Hours...
Get Your Spot Here:


I have a time-sensitive message for you today,
one that directly concerns you...

Because it will completely change your online
efforts for the better. As soon as next week.

See, there's a "dirty" little secret in the
Internet marketing world you may not know. And
you're going to find out all the dirty details

If you're like most people trying to build a
reliable income online, this dirty secret is
directly affecting you.

It's holding you back from making the kind of
living you want online.

Here's the story...

With millions of people affected by the economic
downturn, many are looking to start an online
business as their "Plan B"... their way of
providing for today and the future.

In desperation, many try a "business opportunity"
then decide it doesn't work.

Then they try another and another, until they
discover the treasure chest of "silver bullets"
and "magic success buttons" that is the world we
know as Internet marketing.

And what do they find?

Many questionable, so-called Internet marketing
"gurus" each selling their own "tactic of the

So they think "This looks like it will make me
some quick cash. I'll try it!"

And what happens NEXT?

They realize it's much more difficult than they
thought. And to make matters worse, it's far less
effective than they hoped.

Even worse, is the fact that they've become a
victim of the "dirty" little secret I mentioned.

These people, probably much like you, would love
to have a real business they can count on to
provide for them today and far into the future.

Because they don't have experience building and
running a real business, they try to become
successful through the ways of an "opportunity

Here's how.

See, the "fake" Internet marketing gurus KNOW that
it's MUCH easier to sell their Tactics-Of-The-
Month to opportunity seekers. And they make a
killing taking advantage of this fact.

Are you guilty of frantically looking for the "one
thing" that will finally work for you online? A
real "silver bullet"... a "magic button" that
fills your bank account with cash... and lets you
spend all day on the golf course or the beach?

Well don't worry. There is a much better way to
get what you want out of life. And it's NOT
learning and gathering more Internet marketing

Here's how to make it with a REAL online business,
leveraging the experience of the REAL "guru to the
Internet business gurus"... Rich Schefren... as
your driving force:

Get Your Spot Here:

Rich Schefren is one of the select few to develop
successful businesses in both the offline and
online worlds. Businesses that generated over 35
million in sales.

And he's holding a special FREE Accelerated
Business Course to help people just like you break
free from the Tactic of the Month trap.

And what you'll discover during his Free course
will make you BULLET-PROOF to their "shiny
objects" and promises of "push button" profits.

Rich is one of the most successful and sought
after Internet business coaches in the world. And
for a limited time, he's sharing his business-
building knowledge and experience with you for

... to rescue you from having to decide which
of a hundred different tactics to use, so you
WON'T have to frantically search for that "one
thing" that will work for you ever again.

Instead, you'll have a new, fresh perspective that
will steer you toward building a REAL online
business you can be proud of.

A business that will take care of you, as long as
you own it.

A business that will let you do the things you
really want to do in life.

A business you can sell if you want, giving you
capital to start your next venture... or a nest
egg to make your "dream life" come true.

It all starts with you grabbing a spot for Rich
Schefren's "From Frustration to Freedom...
The 3 Strategic Pillars That Take the Mystery
Out of Succeeding Online in 2011" FREE
Accelerated Business Course...

Get All The Details Here...

To your success,


P.S. In less than 48 hours, registrations for this
RARE Accelerated Business Course will close.

Don't miss out on your chance to gain the mindset
of a successful online business builder, from a
successful online business builder, for FREE.

Get All The Details Here...

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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Focusing on the wrong problems?
12/3/2011 7:24:18 PM

"From Frustration to Freedom"...
Registration Closes In 24 Hours!
Get Your FREE Spot While You Can...

Hi ,

Are you spinning your wheels, barely scraping
enough to get by?

Well here's a secret... Thinking differently than
most of the people you see doing business online
can turn out to be your UNFAIR advantage.

Thinking differently can bring you solutions (and
a lot of extra profits) that have not come to you

This is why "the guru to the Internet business
gurus"... Rich Schefren... is doing a rare FREE
Access Accelerated Business Course, that includes
specific examples of thinking differently, and
making HUGE gains as a result.

Get Your FREE Spot While You Can...

Over the last few years, Rich has helped hundreds
of people go from just starting out online... who
really didn't know what they were doing or where
they were headed... to being founders of
successful, wealth-building businesses.

Online business that now allow them to live the
lifestyle of their dreams.

That's why you need to attend Rich's Free Access
event called...

"From Frustration to Freedom... The 3 Strategic Pillars
That Take the Mystery Out of Succeeding Online in 2011"

When you attend, you will discover how to think
differently than most people and businesses in
your market...

And secure your UNFAIR advantage over all of them!

So if you want to:

- Decrease the daily work on your plate (so you
can focus on BUILDING more income)...

- Leverage what you do best (bringing you
"stealth" market DOMINATION)...

- Enable your business to run WITHOUT you (while
you enjoy your just rewards)...

- Profit from your most precious asset as an
online business owner (this one will SURPRISE

- And boost earnings WITHOUT more marketing
tactics...'ve got to grab your Free Access now, before
registrations for this rare event close in just 24

Get Your FREE Spot While You Can...

The list of clients Rich has helped become
entrepreneurial millionaires is a mile long. Here
are just a few you may know...

- Mike Filsaime - who went from managing a car
dealership, to an Internet empire...

- Ryan Deiss - the innovative A-List marketer who
has grown his list to well over 500,000

- Tellman Knudson - blogger from the woods of
Vermont, who became the List Building Guru.

- Joel Comm - now Internet celebrity and best
selling author of Twitter Power and many others.

- John Carlton - the bad boy of copywriting, who
became a leading marketer with his own agency.

This week, you've got a rare chance to tap into
Rich's experience for YOUR benefit. Like the
people above did.

Then take what you uncover and IMMEDIATELY apply
it to your business. Do this, and you can see
positive results within one week.

Get Your FREE Spot While You Can...

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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Boost earnings without more marketing tactics - 12 Hours Left
12/4/2011 5:26:28 PM

Here's How To Play The "Game" Of Business By
Choosing The Game YOU Are Most Likely To Win!
Only 12 Hours Left To Register For FREE Access...
Register For FREE While You Can:


When you started searching for a way to earn a
good living online, you probably found thousands
of confusing choices, all claiming to be "the

Many of these are "pitched" to you like a carnival
barker looking for his next unwary victim to
step up to play his secretly "unwinnable" game.

Well here's why you shouldn't look at online
business as an "unwinnable" game, even though some
people think it is, after trying time and time
again to make a living online... unsuccessfully.

When really, it's very possible to win at online
business. If you just understand these 3 CRITICAL

1) Be STRATEGIC when deciding on what kind of
business you want (starting with your desired end
result in mind)...

2) Set yourself up to "play" with an ADVANTAGE (by
positioning your business to WIN)...

3) Play the RIGHT game (the one you are MOST
likely to win)...

See, I've been very successful online.

And many others have too. After they were
transformed from struggling opportunity seekers,
to entrepreneurial millionaires by another very
successful person online...

The guru to the Internet gurus, Rich Schefren.

So how do you be strategic? How do you play with
an advantage? And how do you know you're playing
the RIGHT game for you?

Join Rich Schefren for a special FREE Access
Accelerated Business Course he's doing in a
few days, and you'll find out EXACTLY how.

Rich has helped more Internet marketers become
bona fide "entrepreneurial millionaires" than
anyone else I know.

And he also helps some of the biggest companies in
the world... who pay up to $25k... to have him fix
what's broken in their business.

Now you can uncover the CRITICAL steps you need to
take to build a successful online business...
during Rich's Free Access course called...

"From Frustration to Freedom... The 3 Strategic Pillars
That Take the Mystery Out of Succeeding Online in 2011"

Register For FREE While You Can:

Grab your spot for Rich's FREE Access Accelerated
Business Course and you'll get all the details, that you
can implement in your business IMMEDIATELY to...

- Boost earnings WITHOUT more marketing tactics...

- Eliminate most problems PERMANENTLY...

- Develop your business STRATEGICALLY...

- Position yourself to WIN in business...

- Find the "game" you're most likely to WIN...

- Make LOTS more with LESS effort...

- And blast away your self-doubt FOREVER...

... bringing you positive results in as little as
one week.

One thing... You'll have to grab your spot for
Rich's FREE Access event BEFORE registrations
close in just 12 hours.

Register For FREE While You Can:

Want more from your online business? Then you need
to hear what Rich has to say.

To your success,



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