RGCSL Daily Insights Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! The insight for today: "O SOUL OF MINE, LOOK OUT AND SEE""O Soul of mine, look out and see; look up and know Thy freedom. Be not cast down nor dismayed; be uplifted within me and exult, for Thy Salvation has come. Behold the wonders of the Great Whole and the marvels of the Universe. Look out and see Thy good. It is not afar off, but is at hand. Prepare Thyself to accept and believe; to know and live. Let Life enter and live through Thee, Soul of mine, and rejoice that Thou hast vision so fair and so complete. Rejoice that the Perfect Whole is so completely reflected through Thee" Insight: "My light has come." "It Operates Simply By Speaking"– Ernest HolmesIf you shop at Amazon we would appreciate it if you would use our links below as it will help our Center. Thank You!